Some of these trees were a part of virgin forestlands, where they stood for hundreds or even thousands of years, growing to enormous girth and density. Very few of these old growth trees remain legally accessible for harvest today, which makes the sinker logs that much more desirable. In the nineteenth century Pacific Northwest, pioneer loggers faced the challenge of turning massive trees into lumber. Once a tree was cut, a lot of work remained to turn it into a log and then transport it to a sawmill.

Oxen were the beasts of burden tasked to move logs from point A to point B along cleared paths, which became impossibly muddy, bogging down animals and cargo. To solve this issue, cross logs were placed perpendicular to the direction of travel and thick black oil helped the trees slide along. These were called skid roads, and expedited the log transport system. As skid roads accelerated log transport, the pioneers also used a method called flashboard damming.

This is where a river or creek was temporarily blocked to create a flooded area. Felled timber was dragged to the floodwaters where it would collect and float in mass. Once a sufficient number of timber was collected, the dam broke, and a rush of water and logs careened downstream where they could collect and move via railroad. This method proved to be quicker and cheaper for men and beasts alike. As a result of flashboard damming, many smaller logs embedded in the banks.

This created an abundance of woody debris in these waterways. The embedded sinker logs were freely harvested up until the s when overzealous harvest practice drew the attention of regulatory agencies. As counterintuitive as it may seem, sinker logs provide excellent quality wood products. Wood rots when exposed to light, oxygen, and wood-consuming organisms—features lake or river bottoms lack. Many trees also contain oils that have preservative effects.

When logs lay in muddy substrate for extended periods of time, the wood fiber absorbs the minerals and tannins found in the water and soil, which give the wood its unique hues of grey and olive green. If the logs were embedded in sandy soil, then the lumber may exhibit hues of red or deeper gold. If the logs are from old-growth trees, then the wood grain is extremely dense, which increases durability and works well for flooring, countertops, and siding. There are two types of underwater logs to harvest: the escaped logs from previous operations and the dead trees still rooted to the bottom.

Sinker logs are collected, whereas underwater trees still need to be cut down. Each scenario requires different harvest techniques and machinery. Sinker logs are commonly collected by small-time operations, involving a small group of people using machinery to collect one log at a time from a river or reservoir. Cold cash issues cause problems as U. Federal court declines to lift stay on vaccine mandate. All Sections. About Us. B2B Publishing. Business Visionaries. Hot Property. Times Events.

Times Store. Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options. Hewitt Emerson guides a longleaf pine log to a barge after diving to the bottom of the Edisto River in South Carolina.

By David Zucchino writer. Reporting from Meggett, S. David Zucchino. This is no myth. Whether you remember doing it or not, there is a good chance your yard tree has metal in it. Metal, like nails, hooks, wires and chains mess up saw blades and make a mess by staining the wood.

Larger operations have no reason to buy logs with metal in them, especially if the next log truck in the gate is full of logs without metal. Bottom logs have the most valuable wood and the most metal, like this electrical conduit with wires.

You will be at the mercy of the buyer. They will know after the first thing out of your mouth that you do not know what you are doing, and even if they are fair, they will never overpay. This is a good-looking walnut log, but it has a lot of sapwood white ring on the outside , which will make it less valuable.

With that point made, you should know that some do have value if you have a place to sell them and you have a way to get them to a buyer. Now, obviously prices will range from mill to mill, based on what wood is available in the area, what is selling well and if the mill specializes in any products or species.

The above prices should just serve as a guidepost in determining if bothering to sell your logs is worthwhile. However, you can see that if a landowner were to have a large number of trees, the money could start to add up.

Hundreds of millions feet of lumber travelled every year to the mills in Bangor, Maine. Once wood had been scaled at the camp, it was moved to the river landing to await the thawing of the river. Photo Credit. Dangerous log jams occurred when the Penobscot was high, and water was running fast. When the water was too slow, the logs beached themselves on the rocks. Tommie Williams of Lyons, Maine is a Republican State Senator that sees underwater logging as a way to pay tribute to the backbreaking work of the old loggers.

These numbers include four generations of his family.

Send us feedback. See more words from the same year. Accessed 13 Nov. More Definitions for civilized. See the full definition for civilized in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Nglish: Translation of civilized for Spanish Speakers. Britannica English: Translation of civilized for Arabic Speakers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!

Log in Sign Up. Civilization describes a complex way of life characterized by urban areas, shared methods of communication, administrative infrastructure, and division of labor. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. Skip to content. Photograph by W. Twitter Facebook Pinterest Google Classroom. Encyclopedic Entry Vocabulary. Incan Empire. Media Credits The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.

Media If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Text Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service.

Interactives Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. Related Resources. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. You cannot download interactives. Egypt was a vast kingdom of the ancient world. It was unified around B. Today Egyptologists, archaeologists who focus on this ancient civilization, have learned a great deal about the rulers, artifacts, and customs of ancient Egypt.

Use these resources to teach your students about the ancient Egyptians. Others say that Aeneas and some of his followers escaped the fall of Troy and established the town. Regardless of which of the many myths one prefers, no one can doubt the impact of ancient Rome on western civilization.

A people known for their military, political, and social institutions, the ancient Romans conquered vast amounts of land in Europe and northern Africa, built roads and aqueducts, and spread Latin, their language, far and wide.

Use these classroom resources to teach middle schoolers about the empire of ancient Rome. Demography is the study of demographics, the social characteristics and statistics of a human population. This study of the size, age structures, and economics of different populations can be used for a variety of purposes.

Political candidates use the information to inform targeted campaigns. Scientists employ the data to answer research questions, and marketing teams use it for advertising purposes. Government and business policymakers use it to craft ideas and plan for the future. Help your students understand demographics with these classroom resources. Agricultural communities developed approximately 10, years ago when humans began to domesticate plants and animals. By establishing domesticity, families and larger groups were able to build communities and transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle dependent on foraging and hunting for survival.

Select from these resources to teach your students about agricultural communities. For thousands of years, this area was populated by groups such as the Olmec, Zapotec, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec peoples.

Cultural traits that define the region include the domestication of maize, beans, avocado, and vanilla, and a common architectural style.

Learn more about the rich cultures and lives of these early civilizations. Ancient China is responsible for a rich culture, still evident in modern China. From small farming communities rose dynasties such as the Zhou B. E , Qin B. E , and Ming C. Each had its own contribution to the region.

During the Zhou Dynasty, for example, writing was standardized, iron working refined, and famous thinkers like Confucius and Sun-Tzu lived and shared their philosophies. Learn more about the history and rich culture of Ancient China with this curated resource collection. Hunter-gatherer cultures forage or hunt food from their environment.

Often nomadic, this was the only way of life for humans until about 12, years ago when archaeologic studies show evidence of the emergence of agriculture. Human lifestyles began to change as groups formed permanent settlements and tended crops. There are still a few hunter-gatherer peoples today. Explore the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers in your classroom with these resources. Hundreds of years before the arrival of European explorers, the ancient civilizations of South America developed rich and innovative cultures that grew in and amongst the geographic features of their landscape.

The most famous of these civilizations is the Incan Empire. Emerging in C. The Inca relied on the Pacific Ocean and major rivers originating in the Amazon Basin for fishing and trade, as well as rich plant and animal life that they supported.

The Inca constructed inns, signal towers, roads, and massive forts such as the famous Machu Picchu, the ruins of which continue to teach archaeologists about the Incan Empire. Learn more about the history and rich culture of the Inca and the ancient civilizations of South America with this curated resource collection. The development of human civilizations was supported by large numbers of people who lived in sparsely-populated rural areas defined by agriculture, fishing, and trade.

Over time, as these rural populations grew, cities began to develop. Urban areas are defined by dense populations, the construction of multiple and often large buildings, monuments and other structures, and greater economic dependence on trade rather than agriculture or fishing. Even the ancient Incan, Egyptian, or Chinese civilizations, changed their environment in order to urbanize.

Modern urban cities like New York City, Beijing, Dubai, and Paris are bustling centers of business, entertainment, and trade. However, the modifications humans make to their surroundings in order to urbanize such places can impact the environment in negative ways: pollution, disruption of water flow, deforestation, and desertification.

Explore the effects of urbanization on the environment and help students explore how human cities impact the world around us with this curated collection of resources. Humans relied on hunting and gathering practices to survive for thousands of years before the development of agriculture. This more reliable food supply meant humans could stay in one place and gave rise to settled communities and cities. These urban civilizations had larger populations, unique architecture and art, systems of government, different social and economic classes, and a division of labor.

Learn more about the rise of cities with these resources. Mesopotamia is thought to be one of the places where early civilization developed. It is a historic region of West Asia within the Tigris-Euphrates river system. In fact, the word Mesopotamia means "between rivers" in Greek. Home to the ancient civilizations of Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia these peoples are credited with influencing mathematics and astronomy.

Use these classroom resources to help your students develop a better understanding of the cradle of civilization. The silk road was a network of paths connecting civilizations in the East and West that was well traveled for approximately 1, years.

Merchants on the silk road transported goods and traded at bazaars or caravanserai along the way. They traded goods such as silk, spices, tea, ivory, cotton, wool, precious metals, and ideas.

Use these resources to explore this ancient trade route with your students. Ancient Greek politics, philosophy, art and scientific achievements greatly influenced Western civilizations today. One example of their legacy is the Olympic Games. Use the videos, media, reference materials, and other resources in this collection to teach about ancient Greece, its role in modern-day democracy, and civic engagement.

A civilization is a complex human society that may have certain characteristics of cultural and technological development. If a person or their behaviour is civilized, they are polite and behave in a calm and reasonable way:.

See more results ». Polite and respectful. Causing pleasure. Civilized also means pleasant , comfortable , well-educated , or orderly :. Translations of civilized in Chinese Traditional. See more. Need a translator? Translator tool. What is the pronunciation of civilized? Browse civilian.

According to some witnesses, Bergdahl may have been drunk when he was ambushed and captured by the enemy. Not only did he receive a Dishonorable Discharge, but he was sentenced to 25 years to life for second-degree murder and 25 years to life for assaulting a child.

Another fairly well-known example of a Dishonorable Discharge happened to Charles Ng , a Chinese immigrant who came to the United States with a student visa. Despite not being a United States citizen, he joined the Marine Corps using false documents in He was later arrested and charged for stealing heavy weaponry and machine guns from the Marine Corps base in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

He received a Dishonorable Discharge and was sentenced to serve 14 years in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. He only served 18 months thanks to a plea bargain.

Ng was later convicted of 11 counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to death in A dishonorable discharge is the lowest form of military discharge one can receive at the end of their military career.

In the civilian world, it would be the rough equivalent of getting a felony. While there are various reasons, the most typical reason one would receive a dishonorable discharge is by committing a reprehensible act. The consequences of a dishonorable discharge are severe, and can result in a prison sentence, affect future employment, and cause a loss of civil rights. As you can see, a Dishonorable Discharge is a serious matter that is akin to being convicted of a felony.

It is considered incredibly shameful to other military personnel, and it will impact your ability to receive any financial assistance or find employment. Since most of the actions that will result in a Dishonorable Discharge are illegal, many military members who do receive a Dishonorable Discharge will also have to face other legal consequences that might include fines and several years in prison.

On the other hand, there are few things that are more shameful than violating the Code in the most despicable ways possible. As with any criminal action that can lead to serious legal consequences, this kind of discharge should be avoided at all costs. Has this been changed? You have to do something really bad to get one Murder, Rape, etc.

I had a terrible CO — he was very much a sadist and enjoyed tormenting his troops. He did a surprise barracks inspection on my platoon right after a hour night guard shift. He used a master key to enter my room and started screaming while I lay there asleep.

I panicked, jumped out of bed and kicked him in the head, breaking his nose. I was severely injured a few weeks later. He refused to allow me any medical care for a broken neck. Unfortunately, lasting and significant disrepute seems improbable for Trump administration officials.

We too easily let ourselves believe that those who hold prominent public office must have been worthy of it, which is a high bar. Seeing such a person fall into disgrace can perversely stir sympathy in many who are unmoved by the harm done to unknown and powerless people by public misdeeds.

Henry Kissinger remains an honored public figure; those protesting his war crimes are subject to official opprobrium that he himself never is, at least not in the United States. That Sarah Huckabee Sanders was once asked to leave a restaurant , that Steve Bannon was once disinvited from a prestigious and lucrative appearance as a celebrity intellectual — these indignities were widely commented on as signs of grave injustice and intolerance.

A year ago, the Niskanen Center committed itself to a disassociation with Kirstjen Nielsen and any organization that employs her, for her role in the family separation policy at the border. As far as I know, no other organization did likewise, and no other ex-official has been named persona non grata anywhere.

Three and a half years so far of disgraceful public acts will leave almost no one in disgrace; shameful maladministration will, for the most part, not lead to anyone actually being shamed.

Many are old enough, rich enough, or both, to simply retire; the younger Trumps and Kushners are rich enough to cushion any slight social discomfort they may feel among Manhattan elites. Other Trump administration figures young enough to aspire to respectable political careers might find little favor with voters. They can nevertheless expect a soft landing at conservative think tanks and congressional offices, and will probably eventually enjoy appointed office under another Republican administration.

Dynamics beyond those identified by Smith further protect the reputations of the living and recently powerful. For example, the ordinary impulse to flattery, the insincerity or a-sincerity of which distinguishes it from Smithian excessive but genuine admiration, will always be with us. There will always be people whose ambition is greater than their pride and they will always curry favor with anyone closer to power than they are.

Private flattery merely degrades the flatterer, but public flattery, which is never in short supply, reinforces the Smithian dynamic. Even when flatterers are insincere, and know that their praise is undeserved, the audience might not. Other trends are peculiar to our time and place: the current shape of celebrity culture; hyperpolarization, including the emergence of polarized media cultures; and the desire of elite institutions to stand above and outside politics.

With a little bit of willingness to bear up under ridicule, Sean Spicer took advantage of the first of these: being a famous and familiar face is apparently enough to become a guest on late-night talk shows and a performer on Dancing With The Stars.

Our economy of fame runs on a bottomless appetite for the appearance and reappearance of people we remember, whatever we might remember them for. There are limits. Eventually, Harvey Weinstein reached genuine disgrace. Many former officials will turn—or return—to careers or paid side gigs as commentators at Fox News.

The shared media culture of the days of Walter Cronkite is long gone; there are now paid media niches available to match the polarization and fragmentation of American politics. In light of all that, consider the institutions that thrive on prestige and proximity to power: not only think tanks and lobbying firms but also corporate boards, elite media such as the New York Times, elite universities, and the celebrity-intellectual circuit of ideas festivals and televised debates.

In the case of the university, this is the difference between maintaining academic freedom for students or faculty members who advance a range of ideological positions and awarding honorary degrees or prestigious platforms, such as commencement addresses or endowed lectures, to persons whose claim to fame just consists of their time in politics and public office. Students and faculty members must be free to argue in favor of for example closed borders and the end of rights of asylum and refuge.

They should also be free, in their various clubs and departments, to invite speakers to a campus to advocate those ideas. Why should they get more credence than something that somebody said yesterday? Jacob Levy: From just a thought that someone had on Twitter yesterday.

But giving them credence is something different. The claim is not every traditional, canonical book on the university curriculum of Western universities is right. Part of my answer is a matter of reconciliation with other things, what a Rawlsian would call reflective equilibrium.

There are some really discrete moral facts that I feel pretty sure about there. Some really discrete social facts that I feel pretty sure of. What is it that reading this book helps me understand about the world? What Rousseau calls amour propre and this is a great deal of why Rousseau has been such an enduring important thinker because-.

Will Wilkinson: No, no, no. This is a crazy dude who really has an insanely accurate bead on certain aspects of what people are like. Jacob Levy: So, my interest here is in the accuracy of that bead. I think Smith does that a lot more often than Rousseau does. I think Rousseau ends up misleading people about the shape of the world quite a lot of the time. Will Wilkinson: I think those are good answers, Jacob. But just coming up with this is a promising possibility for the way things might be.

And a lot of people just lack imagination. So they basically never really come up with any interesting hypothesis even if they may be brilliant at testing them. Will Wilkinson: One of my favorite genres of writing is hearing mathematicians talk about when it was that they solved a proof that had been outstanding for decades and decades and decades. And that is a crazy kind of intuition that is profoundly valuable because nobody gets anywhere without it.

But not that many people have it. And I think some of the greatest thinkers are people who have that-. Jacob Levy: In order to have it in a productive way. Jacob Levy: Not everyone who puts in the years of study also has the insight, but the years of study are a precondition for the insights to be available as a way to synthesize the right material.

I know a ton of empirical stuff about human psychology-. And we would have moved on. And it fits, it is important that it fits into what I know about psychology. They just seem to be pretty well empirically validated. Jacob Levy: I would want to emphasize that Smith, especially of the people that you named, but to a lesser degree Hume and some of the others, they align all of those basic human flaws and foibles that you identified with the capacity for genuine moral knowledge and genuine moral growth.

But for Rousseau, that points us in the opposite direction from moral truth. Whereas for Smith and to a lesser extent for the others, it orients us roughly in a direction that allows us to get somewhere better. Will Wilkinson: But it also does suggest that individual moral rectitude is going to be very, very difficult in a society whose economy of esteem is sort of systematically distorted.

And all societies are going to be, to some extent screwed up that way. Will Wilkinson: But that speaks to… An important question that I had for you about these pieces is, why does it matter? Forgiveness is one thing. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. There was, well, the Red Hen or something. A staff that unsurprisingly in the food service industry, included a fair number of first-generation immigrants.

Jacob Levy: Yeah. We think that we know Sarah Huckabee Sanders. We can imagine her face, we can imagine her voice. Can you imagine being her and being asked to leave a restaurant? Well, can you imagine being the waiters and the waitresses and the cooks in this restaurant and being asked to put on your deferential service face to someone who has now famously lied, after lied, after lied in the service of racism and the persecution of immigrants. Clearly that person has-.

Jacob Levy: Has a moral complaint. Has a genuinely normatively important thing to say. They are going to be part of our public life and the question of how they are received and how their time in office is remembered, is a problem that a lot of institutions are going to have to face one by one institutionally.

Jacob Levy: And the institutional attraction to people who have or used to have power, is very strong. This is above and beyond the Smithian psychology. There are lots of elite institutions that really run on an economy of prestige.

And so the normal habit among American elite institutions, is to think that everyone who was in office is honorable. Honorable in the literal sense of being worthy of being honored such that we can have their time and attention, such that their presence among us can confer some of the halo of their time in office-. Will Wilkinson: And so some of the things you have in mind are like a visiting fellowship at a prestigious university or-.

Will Wilkinson: Institute of politics [crosstalk ] and things like being asked to give a public address. Some people might not understand how much the speakers on these, most big universities will have some speakers series and they choose people who are supposed to be important or interesting or whatever.

Jacob Levy: Right. Those send different messages. I mean, the honor is being invited to give this address in a prestigious series that the university promotes relentlessly to its students and community. The key…. It was The New Yorker festival from which Steve Bannon was uninvited triggering one route of my thinking about this. He was famous. He was famous because he helped get Donald Trump elected.

The hard part is resisting. And you make that point that universities in particular have to make a conscious, positive commitment to not honoring people for having done bad things in effect. Will Wilkinson: Think tanks too. If a lot of people get these plum think tank gigs after they leave an administration, because it adds prestige to the institution-. Will Wilkinson: And they probably can bring some donor along or something.

It really will take an active, conscious commitment not to retroactively normalize having been in office in the Trump administration. So just people are going to completely disagree with each other about whether what people who served in the Trump administration did was praiseworthy or deserves our scorn and contempt. You think they were good people, they were doing the right thing. So how do we deal with that? Jacob Levy: A couple of answers. One is it is going to be interesting, just [inaudible ] political scientists, I think is going to be interesting to see what the afterlife of the Trump administration is relative to the afterlife of the Nixon administration.

Nixon in particular had to labor for decades in order to re-burnish his reputation as the elder statesman who went to China, and it never entirely worked. The first thing for which Richard Nixon will always be remembered is Watergate and resigning in disgrace. Jacob Levy: It might be that party politics and ideological conflict in the United States is now so much more negatively polarized than it was in , that we can no longer get anything like cross-party agreement on the concept of disgrace.

And we know the line because people have been trying it out in their anonymous op-eds. I thought that it was my duty to do my best to make the administration go as well as possible.

That is remaining there, even remaining there, telling yourself a story that what you were doing was mitigating the damage, made you a part of the damage. And I think that concepts like shamefulness and disgrace need to be part of the vocabulary.

Will Wilkinson: You know what? Will Wilkinson: But I actually think that people forgive that, in a weird way, because that is the temptation to which people are prone. It worked awesome. Jacob Levy: I think there would be indulgence for it at pretty junior levels. I was going to get an appointment. And this is what paying your dues looks like, is serving for a couple of years in public office. I wanted to just underscore the point about the deep-seatedness of this bias toward overpraising the powerful and famous.

Clearly, lots of Trump administration cronies are going to do just fine. The question is whether they get on the CNN panel or they get invited to the Institute of Politics at Harvard or whatever. Then you can tell yourself the story. Are you including enough conservative voices? Will Wilkinson: So wrapping it up, I just wanted to ask you this.

People with HIV and other conditions that weaken the immune system are more likely to experience a spreading of ringworm. It is more difficult to get rid of the infection if the immune system is weak. Ringworm is caused by a type of fungus that eats keratin. These are called dermatophytes. Dermatophytes attack the skin, scalp, hair, and nails because those are the only parts of the body with enough keratin to attract them. Dermatophytes are microscopic spores that can survive on the surface of the skin for months.

They can also survive in towels, combs, the soil, and other household objects. They are very resilient. Dermatophyte spores spread in the following ways :. If a person or animal has the infection, they may deposit fungal spores on objects and surfaces when they touch them; anyone who touches those objects may become infected. Children usually show symptoms when they become infected, but many adults do not.

The older an individual is, the more likely their immune system will protect them. However, they may still be a carrier. The following risk factors either increase the chances of developing ringworm or make the symptoms worse:. On the body, patches grow slowly in size, and more patches can appear on other parts of the body. The center of the patch may clear, leaving a ring.

If there are several rings, they may merge. The bacteria that cause ringworm are not the good kind. Continue reading to learn about signs, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention. The scientific name for ringworm is tinea.

The condition is caused by skin fungi called dermatophytes, which live on top of skin and typically do not invade deep inside the skin. Additioanlly, dermatophytes do not live inside the mouth. A person can have the fungus on several areas of the body at the same time. Ringworm is very contagious and spreads easily from person to person.

Other ways it can spread include:. If you feel your child has ringworm, contact their pediatrician for proper diagnosis and treatment. Treatment may involve an antifungal cream.

During treatment, be sure to keep the child clean and dry and wash all clothes, bed sheets and towels every day. Proper hand washing and skin care is important in preventing ringworm. Remind your child to wash their hand frequently with running water, soap and plenty of friction. Other ways to prevent ringworm:. Your doctor will diagnose ringworm by examining your skin and possibly using a black light to view your skin in the affected area. Depending on the type of fungus, it may sometimes fluoresce glow under black light.

Your doctor may prescribe various medications depending on the severity of your ringworm infection. Ringworm of the scalp or nails may require prescription-strength oral medications such as griseofulvin Gris-PEG or terbinafine.

Over-the-counter OTC medications and antifungal skin creams may be recommended for use as well. These products may contain clotrimazole, miconazole, terbinafine, or other related ingredients. Find antifungal treatments online. In addition to prescription and OTC medication, your doctor may recommend that you care for your infection at home by:. Take an in-depth look at ringworm treatments here. People have used home remedies for ringworm for many years before researchers invented antifungal treatments.

Support for use of these remedies is mostly anecdotal. There is no scientific data to support their use over OTC antifungals. Some people apply apple cider vinegar-soaked cotton balls over affected areas of skin three times a day to treat ringworm. If you want to try this remedy, apply coconut oil one to three times a day. Turmeric is a spice you can mix with water to make an antifungal paste. Apply the paste directly to your skin and allow it to dry.

Instead, discuss any you might like to try alongside proven treatments with your doctor. Learn more about home remedies for ringworm, including powdered licorice.

It can take up to 2 weeks before you start noticing symptoms. Some of the stages you may see include:. Anyone can develop ringworm. However, the infection is very common among children and people who own cats or dogs. Both cats and dogs can catch ringworm, and then pass it on to humans who touch them.

You may be more likely to develop dermatophytosis if you come into contact with the fungi when your skin becomes soft and wet from prolonged water exposure macerated or if you have minor skin injuries or abrasions.

Using a public shower or public pool may also expose you to the infective fungi. Those who often share items such as hairbrushes or unwashed clothing also have an increased risk of developing the infection. Learn more about how long you, a loved one, or a pet could spread ringworm to another person. Ringworm can closely resemble another condition, nummular eczema.

Doctors also call nummular eczema discoid eczema or nummular dermatitis. The lesions are often itchy and scaly. A person with ringworm usually has fewer ring-like patches than a person who has nummular eczema. Sometimes the two conditions look so much alike that the only way to tell the difference is to see your doctor.

A doctor can take samples of the skin cells and send them to a laboratory for testing. Doctors treat nummular eczema in different ways from ringworm. This ring pattern gave ringworm its name, but not every infected person has it. The skin may flake, peel, or crack, and it can itch, sting, burn, or feel uncomfortable. Ringworm on the scalp may start as a small sore that looks like a pimple before becoming patchy, flaky, or scaly.

These flakes may look like dandruff. It can make some hair fall out or break into stubble, leaving a bald spot. It also can make the scalp swollen, tender, and red.

Sometimes, it causes a pus-filled mass known as a kerion. When the scalp is infected, it can cause swollen lymph nodes at the back of the head or neck. Ringworm on the nails may affect one or more nails on the hands or feet. The nails may become thick, white or yellowish, and brittle.

Ringworm is caused by fungi that normally live on the skin, hair, and nails called dermatophytes pronounced: der-MAH-tuh-fites. When the environment they live in gets warm and moist, they grow out of control and start to cause symptoms.

Besides spreading from person to person, ringworm can come from pets or other animals usually cats, dogs, or rodents. It thrives in warm, moist environments such as public showers, locker rooms, or pool areas. It can spread easily when people are in close physical contact.

If your facts are not high quality, they will do little to persuade an audience. The next criterion to evaluate is bias. You will find many opinions on the Internet, and many of them will be disguised as facts. Know the difference so that you will be prepared when prompted with questions from your audience.

Here are some questions to consider when evaluating bias. Finally, you must ask yourself if your facts are appropriate. You may have a great deal of information, but it might not support your main message. Ask yourself these questions. When delivering a persuasive or motivational speech, you will be attempting to appeal to either the audience's logic or to their emotions. In certain instances, you will be appealing to both, but most audience members will develop an opinion of your speech by using either a logical or emotional approach.

When drafting a speech that appeals to an audience's logic, use the following questions to determine if your speech meets all the requirements.

An emotional appeal to an audience is usually used when you want the audience to act. Yes, logical arguments can certainly be used to get an audience motivated, but a good speaker will never sacrifice an emotional appeal, as it is often the most effective manner in motivating an audience. An audience simply does not want to listen to a litany of facts. While facts are persuasive, the audience wants to know how your argument whether it is information or a product is going to affect them personally.

A speech could be brilliantly written with all the appropriate facts and supporting evidence, but if it is not delivered emotionally, the main message will be lost. An emotional speaker will try to incorporate all the basic needs of human beings in a motivational speech. Build a persuasive strategy by asking yourself the following questions. Whether you are appealing to an audience's logic or emotions, they will need to believe you for your arguments to be effective. You must earn the audience's trust.

As we have discussed, communication is processed in many forms, but words are the essential elements of most speeches. Therefore, we shall begin with a discussion of vocabulary. One of the principle mistakes of most beginning speakers is that they choose words that they think will impress an audience rather than words that would most effectively convey their message.

The main goal of public speaking is not to impress an audience. You may wish to motivate them into action or educate them on a particular subject, and both of these instances require the right words, not big, fancy ones. Many politicians have learned this the hard way. An English degree from an Ivy League university might make a politician a great writer with a robust vocabulary, but it will certainly have very little effect on how well he or she can endear themselves to their constituencies.

The choice of words you use is called diction. Your diction should take into consideration the context of the speech and, most definitely, the audience. We have already discussed the importance of knowing your audience, so that you will know how to research your audience well enough to use the appropriate diction.

One of these main reasons that you do not want to use unnecessarily complicated words is that the audience will not have time to think about and process each unknown word, as they might do when reading. If you are reading a book and you come across an unknown word, many people will consult a dictionary and commit the new word to memory.

This is common practice with many people and it is the reason many voracious readers have excellent vocabularies. Nevertheless, naturally, when listening to a speech, an audience member is not going to consult a dictionary. If they do not understand a word, it will distract them. Consequently, your delivery is less powerful and your ability to deliver your message is compromised. How will you know, however, that you have chosen an appropriate diction?

Rehearse your speech. When you are reading your speech aloud, you will know instantly if a sentence seems clumsy or complicated. If it does, you must change it. The attitude that you display to an audience or to your topic is called tone. You tone can be informal, formal, or perhaps a happy medium. It, naturally, depends on the situation. You will certainly have a less formal tone if you are speaking to a group of college students than you would if you were giving an address to the United Nations.

Setting the right tone does often require some experience, but even if you have never given a public speech, you most likely can set the appropriate tone by knowing your audience and doing your necessary research beforehand.

A euphemism is usually employed when we want to spare someone's feelings and perhaps rephrase criticism in a gentler manner. Euphemisms have no place in public speaking. Get right to the point, without being rude. Always keep in mind that the goal of your speech is to deliver a message clearly. When using any of our persuasive speech ideas, make sure you have a solid knowledge about the topic you're speaking about - and make sure you discuss counter arguments too.

Read our full list of 75 persuasive speech topics and ideas. As with any speech, preparation is crucial. Before you put pen to paper, think about what you want to achieve with your speech. This will help organise your thoughts as you realistically can only cover main points before your audience get bored.

You should also consider their:. The factors above will all determine the approach you take to writing your speech. For example, if your topic is about childhood obesity, you could begin with a story about your own children or a shared concern every parent has. This would suit an audience who are more likely to be parents than young professionals who have only just left college. Fast-track your career with award-winning courses and realistic practice. The benefit of this technique is that your point of view becomes virtually indisputable because you make the audience feel that only your view is the logical one.

The opening and closing of speech are the most important. Consider these carefully when thinking about your persuasive speech outline. These are usually dramatic or shocking, such as:. Sadly, in the next 18 minutes when I do our chat, four Americans that are alive will be dead from the food that they eat - Jamie Oliver. You could do this in a more toned-down way by talking about something you know that your audience has in common with you.

Boundless Communications. Persuasive Speaking. Introduction to Persuasive Speaking. Concept Version Persuasive speeches aim to convince the audience to believe a certain view. Learning Objective Identify the qualities of a persuasive speech. Key Points Persuasive speeches can come in many forms, such as sales pitches , debates, and legal proceedings. Persuasive speeches may utilize the three modes of persuasion : ethos , pathos and logos.

Ethos is the most important appeal in a persuasive speech. Factors such as body language , the willingness of the audience , and the environment in which the speech is given, all affect the success of a persuasive speech.

Audience Analysis is important in a persuasive speech, as the audience will be convinced for their own reasons, not for the speaker's reasons. Full Text Definition A persuasive speech is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has a goal of convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view. Edit this content.

In the past, advertising relied on mass media such as radio and television to reach as wide an audience as possible.

Every brand has a buyer persona or ideal customer profile they are trying to attract. The more focused your advertising is on a particular audience, the more effective it can be. The content of your advertising messages should be specially designed to appeal to the feelings and needs of your audience. Ads do not work if they are not trying to appeal to a specific type of person.

Advertising campaigns require an investment of time, resources, and of course, money. Generally, the channel issuing the advertisements charges a certain amount in exchange for its dissemination. A good ad campaign will increase the company's profits, and this should exceed the invested cost.

A positive ROI indicates that the advertising campaign has been a success. Therefore, effective advertising stands out from the competition by using unexpected formats and resources. You can grab a user's attention by emphasizing the novelty of your product or service, offering a great deal, or doing something completely out of the box, like Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign.

Videos that tell stories, shocking images, unforgettable speeches, catchy jingles, etc. Effective ads use creativity to stand out and make a brand immediately identifiable or memorable. The best creative ads manage to surprise users, move them to action, and become instantly memorable, all while remaining faithful to the principles of the brand. This dimension of creativity is about blending or connecting normally unrelated objects or ideas.

For example, Wrigley aired a commercial that featured rabbits corralled like cattle and fed bananas, berries, and melon, making their buckteeth grow in as Juicy Fruit Squish chewing gum. The commercial combines unrelated objects rabbits and chewing gum to create a divergent story line.

Ads with a high level of artistic creativity contain aesthetically appealing verbal, visual, or sound elements. Their production quality is high, their dialogue is clever, their color palette is original, or their music is memorable.

As a result, consumers often view the ads as almost a piece of art rather than a blatant sales pitch. It showed a woman floating on a flower petal through a sea of Fantasia yogurt, surrounded by flowers laden with fruits.

In analyzing the relationship between creativity and advertising effectiveness, companies typically use sales response models that are based on conventional regression analyses. We have found, however, that such regression is problematic because it assumes that the input variables creativity and ad budget, say are independent of one another in their effect.

In the real world, the longer a creative ad is aired, the more impact the creativity has on sales. Hierarchical models get around the problem by nesting one regression model within another.

This allows us to see both the direct impact of creativity on sales and the amplifying effect of the budget, and thus arrive at a more accurate overall estimate of the effect of creativity on sales. Our study revealed dramatic variation in overall creativity scores across the campaigns. The average score for overall creativity was 2.

The lowest score was 1. Only 11 of the campaigns received an overall score above 5 five of them were cola campaigns. At the other end of the spectrum, 10 campaigns had an overall score below 1. The scores mattered a lot, we found. A euro invested in a highly creative ad campaign had, on average, nearly double the sales impact of a euro spent on a noncreative campaign.

The impact of creativity was initially relatively small but typically gathered momentum as the campaign rolled out. A euro invested in a highly creative ad campaign had nearly double the sales impact of a euro spent on a noncreative campaign. Companies have plenty of room for improvement in the creativity of ad campaigns.

For instance, the types of creativity that agencies currently emphasize are often not the most effective ones at driving sales. In our research, we quantified the impact that each dimension has on sales.

Although all of them had a positive impact, elaboration had by far the most powerful one 1. Trailing behind were originality 1. Yet the study shows that ad agencies use originality and artistic value more than they use elaboration. Possibly, companies think primarily of originality when trying to be creative. You can also bring in an upcoming season or event when your product will come in handy to make people buy now. One of the most important parts of creating an effective ad is building up trust and interest in your company.

It is important to build trust in your business, its products and services so they know that your company is the right choice.

You can do this by showing that others in the past have been pleased with their decision to buy from or work with you. A great way to do this is by adding a testimonial or two to your ads from those who are satisfied with your company and its products.

Today, countless people rely on online reviews when shopping for new businesses, products and services. People trust other consumers and want to know what they have to say about a company. Seeing that other consumers who are just like them, are happy with your product can encourage potential clients to give you a try.

Plain text on a plain background can be boring. You can appeal to the visual interest that your clients have by adding exciting graphics to your advertisements. For example, you can post a picture of what you have to offer, or you can post something that is going to grab attention. You can take the pictures yourself, or you can look for royalty-free, no-cost images online. Regardless, adding something visual will help draw more attention and interest to your company.

Anything else is a waste of money. You should use your ads to link people to your website for more information as part of the contact information. This is imperative for several reasons. One, if people check out your site and are impressed with it, you have a better chance of turning them into real clients. Secondly, you can track how your ads perform and what leads are generated on the website to get an idea of how well your campaign is working. Therefore, you should focus on providing all of your customers with the best experience that you can.

If you always deliver more than they expect, then you never have to worry about anyone being disappointed. These 11 tips for creating an effective ad can help your promotions stand head and shoulders over those of your competition.

You will be able to make eye-catching ads that will get people excited about what you have to offer. That will help improve your conversion rate of making prospects into real customers.

This is a lot of stuff to put on an advertisement! However, I really agree that it is important to stand out when advertising. You want people to actually read everything on your ad!

Absolutely Delores. Keep in mind not all of them need to be implemented at once, and some are probably more vital than others, but the more the better. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! The effect of advertising is quite small — a one percent increase in advertising expenditures leads to. Great work The last tip of contacts is critically important because it really defines the intention of any ad that is particularly reaching out to new clients.

After getting impressed they will now want to solve their problem which you have told them by reaching out to your business premises. I am just about putting my business ads.

Thanks alot!! Good day1 I have read a time ago better idea from your article it helped me,Actually I work on online Sale and need more examples for advertising. Show your complete address, telephone number, web address, email, and social network pages. You can also make it easy for viewers to reach out to you by having a QR code on your ad that directs users to a mobile landing page where they can easily click to call or follow a link to a contact page.

Because space and time is limited, a captivating image is a great way to get your message across, as it can tell a whole story with just a glance. Still, you can make your brand even more unforgettable by always trying to be a little different than the competition. Be bold and not afraid to go out on a limb every now and then as consumers are more likely to remember the unordinary as opposed to just another humdrum ad.

At Rocket Dog Media, we treat all of our clients as individuals and work to provide you with a unique marketing strategy that aligns with your business' mission.

Rely on the advertising experts at Rocket Dog Media to design an innovative campaign to keep your company thriving. The location and placement of your advertisements are two of the most important factors in reaching your target audience. Rocket Dog's imaginative designers can pinpoint the venue that will best connect your business with potential customers.

If you only speak to direct supervisors, you are only going to get the perspective of how the candidate communicates with their boss. Once they get to campus, they are going to have to establish great working relationships with multiple stakeholders in the program, and this can help you identify someone who is great across the board, prepare you to help them address a weakness, or deter you from hiring them. Either way, you will have a clearer picture of this individual. Who they are as a person and their communication skills are important, but it is also critical to ensure they are competent as a coach.

Talk through their programming and ask for samples for different phases for the year, how they modify workouts, etc. One month into my role here, our head football strength coach took a new job. This was going to be my first big hire, and I started to do some research and make calls to find candidates who would be a good fit for the position.

At the time, the assistant for football was a young coach named GC Yerry. I had watched GC coach for a month and was really impressed with his interpersonal skills, positive energy, relationship with players, and attention to detail…but to be honest, it never crossed my mind to promote him.

One afternoon shortly after the position opened, I walked into our storage closet to grab something, and the door shut behind me. That same day, I went to the head football coach and said I wanted to consider GC for the job and give him the opportunity to be the interim in order to watch him coach.

After seeing him in that position for a few months, I knew he was the right person for the job. Three years later, he moved on to take a position on the Army football staff, was quickly promoted to the top assistant, and this year joined the staff at Illinois as their top assistant for football.

Once you have great coaches who are also great people and have established your core principles, you can begin to create meaningful roles for your staff.

What is your unique skill set? For us, I break down administrative oversight into a few different categories of expertise:. The staff who oversee these areas have complete ownership of the development of these sub-departments. The goal with this is to evaluate your staff as time progresses. Over time, you will see talent in people shine through, but then it is your job as the leader to let them take it and run with it.

Letting people have the autonomy to shape these sub-departments gives everyone skin in the game and allows for leadership opportunities. When I was hired, one of the major topics that the AD and I discussed was making significant enhancements to our nutrition offerings. The four key areas we wanted to address were:. During this time, we also hired Joel Lynch to come on as a graduate assistant. He was initially responsible for assisting with football and overseeing the programming for track and field.

Over time, he started to take on more and more responsibility as it related to nutrition, including presenting to teams, enhancing our fueling station offerings, creating relationships with nutrition faculty through his course work, etc.

Essentially, Joel grew as a coach and leader while we grew our nutrition department. Your resource for building powerful sports programs. By Kevin Hoffman. You Might Also Like. Log in to Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Read more ». If not, check it out online! See More See Less. Contact Us Copyright All rights reserved. Box Sparta, MI, The application of risk management in sport. Sports Medicine, 34 6 , Goldstein, E. International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and performance.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7 1 , 5. Johnson, S. The effects of group versus individual goal setting on bowling performance. The Sport Psychologist, 11, Kerksick, C. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: nutrient timing. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 5, Kreider, R. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7, 7. Leonard, R. The administrative side of coaching: Applying business concepts to athletic program administration and coaching 2nd ed.

Locke, E. The application of goal setting to sports. Journal of Sport Psychology, 7, A theory of goal setting and task performance. Building practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A year odyssey. American Psychologist, 57, New directions in goal setting theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15, Has goal setting gone wild, or have its attackers abandoned good scholarship?

Goal setting and task performance: Psychological Bulletin, 90, Mahoe, S. Five ways to improve communication with your players. Mensch, J. Crews, C. Competing perspectives during organizational socialization on the role of certified athletic trainers in high school settings. Journal of Athletic Training, 40 4 , Miller, M. Emergency Response Management for Athletic Trainers. Mueller, F. National Council of Youth Sports. Report on trends and participation in organized youth sports.

Podlog, L. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 18, Ryska, T. Participation motives in predicting sport dropout among Australian youth gymnasts. North American Journal of Psychology, 4 2 , Sage, G.

Introduction to motor behavior: A neurophysiological approach 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Silva III, J. Psychological foundations of sport. Smith, A. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 6, 5. Sullivan, P. Communication skills training for interactive sports.

The Sport Psychologist, 7, Torre, J. New York, NY: Hyperion. Department of Agriculture. Department of Health and Human Services. Johnson, Ed. All contributing authors are residential faculty members at the United States Sports Academy. Previous Next. Scott R. Johnson, Pamela J. Wojnar, William J. Price, Timothy J. Foley, Jordan R. Moon, Enrico N. Esposito, and Fred J. Share this:. Go to Top. The most basic is school size; does the school have a large number of students to draw to its athletic programs?

A small school system is unlikely to be a dominant player. York has over 2, students and Long Beach Poly has almost twice this amount. School size is evident in the team size. York, for instance has over athletes. The school size allows more students to compete for the athletics program, increasing the possibility of striking it rich and finding athletes that will soon become future stars.

In addition to having a large number of students, the school needs to have competition from neighboring schools. In , the WSC sent four schools to the state cross country meet, a meet where only 25 schools in the state compete. The idea that good competition breeds success makes it hard for small isolated rural schools to mount dominant programs, with most of the leading programs coming from urban and suburban regions.

Economics plays into the location aspect as well. At York High School, there is no predisposition to one sport or another. The students are open to try out different sports, even those that do not have potential for professional economics such as football at basketball.

Another important ingredient in a successful high school athletics program is the coach. While this may seem obvious at first, there are three different ways a coach can create and maintain a successful program.

First and perhaps most importantly is the stability or consistency of a coach. This means retaining the same coach in the same program for a long time. The coach is responsible for creating expectations for his athletes. The coach creates these expectations, which soon become instilled in the program forever.

For this reason, formalin is used in embalming solutions and in preserving biological specimens. Aldehydes are the active components in many other familiar substances. Large quantities of formaldehyde are used to make phenol-formaldehyde resins for gluing the wood sheets in plywood and as adhesives in other building materials.

Sometimes the formaldehyde escapes from the materials and causes health problems in some people. While some people seem unaffected, others experience coughing, wheezing, eye irritation, and other symptoms.

Acetaldehyde is an extremely volatile, colorless liquid. It is a starting material for the preparation of many other organic compounds. Acetaldehyde is formed as a metabolite in the fermentation of sugars and in the detoxification of alcohol in the liver.

Aldehydes are the active components of many other familiar materials Figure Acetone is the simplest and most important ketone. Because it is miscible with water as well as with most organic solvents, its chief use is as an industrial solvent for example, for paints and lacquers.

It is also the chief ingredient in some brands of nail polish remover. Acetone is formed in the human body as a by-product of lipid metabolism. Normally, acetone does not accumulate to an appreciable extent because it is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. In certain disease states, such as uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, the acetone concentration rises to higher levels.

It is then excreted in the urine, where it is easily detected. In severe cases, its odor can be noted on the breath. Ketones are also the active components of other familiar substances, some of which are noted in the accompanying figure.

Certain steroid hormones have the ketone functional group as a part of their structure. Or C8 — octanal — which is reminiscent of oranges. C9 — nonanal — smells of roses. Aldehyde C10 — decanal — powerfully conjures up orange rind. Waxy, grapefruity. Seasonally perfect scents delivered right to your door. Chanel No. Her intention was to create a perfume that was the smell of a woman rather than flowers.

While aromatic aldehydes have very complicated chemical structures, their smell helps to easily identify them. An aromatic aldehyde is defined as an amalgam containing the CHO radical, such as benzaldehyde, which has an odor profile reminiscent of almonds. Generally speaking, these chemical compounds provide a soapy-waxy-lemony-floral touch to a perfume formula.

Perfume titans specialize in the creation of one-of-a-kind fragrances , many of which contain the following aldehydes. Generally speaking, perfumes using these organic compounds can be floral, fruity or citrus in nature. Fatty aldehydes contain between 8 and 13 carbon atoms in their molecular composition and have a very pleasant fruity or floral scent.

They can be detected easily in very low concentrations. They are in reality a family of components that can be metallic, starchy, citrusy or waxy.

The following are quite prevalent in modern perfume formulations:. This compound renders a sharp, herbal and green aroma reminiscent of the fresh outdoors.

This colorless, fragrant liquid with a fruit-like odor occurs naturally in citrus oils. Strongly suggestive of oranges and waxy citrus orange peel, this amalgam is a powerful fatty compound often found in lemon fragrances. This complex compound is also known as a nonanal, which is a clear brown liquid characterized by a rose-orange odor that is insoluble in water and found in at least 20 essential oils.

It is warm and mostly floral rose and jasmine with a waxy-cucumber nuance that in the right formulation can render a fragrance very fresh and clean. It is used extensively and carefully in perfume formulas in combination with other aldehydes. When higher levels are utilized, it is an important component in both citrus and rose notes, while in trace amounts, it adds to a wide array of fragrance types.

C Decanal is an aldehyde with the specific formula C 10 H 20 O. An important component in citrus, this complicated composite is evocative of orange rind and lemons Citral specifically, which is a naturally occurring mixture of two aldehydes containing the same formula but diverse structures.

This carbon aldehyde is complex, clean and naturally present in coriander leaf oil. Its chemical formula is C 10 H 21 CHO and its one-of-a-kind makeup conveys a bitter and fresh effect in formulations of colognes. The odor profile is pleasant, and comprised of slightly citrus orange , fatty and waxy-floral rose elements. It is a colorless liquid that appears in many fragrances and occurs naturally in citrus oils.

It is known for its intensity and differs from others of its ilk as it takes on different qualities depending on how it is used. In high concentrations, its odor profile is sweaty and metallic, but when it is diluted, floral lilacs or violets and herbaceous qualities come to light and to nose. This page explains how aldehydes and ketones are made in the lab by the oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols.

The oxidizing agent used in these reactions is normally a solution of sodium or potassium dichromate VI acidified with dilute sulfuric acid. If oxidation occurs, the orange solution containing the dichromate VI ions is reduced to a green solution containing chromium III ions. The net effect is that an oxygen atom from the oxidizing agent removes a hydrogen from the -OH group of the alcohol and one from the carbon to which it is attached. R and R' are alkyl groups or hydrogen. They could also be groups containing a benzene ring, but I'm ignoring these to keep things simple.

If at least one of these groups is a hydrogen atom, then you will get an aldehyde. If they are both alkyl groups then you get a ketone.

The leaves need to be above the surface so they can breathe. Eichhornia is a free-floating aquatic plant. The petiole bears a large membranous stipule, which forms a sheath around the next younger leaf.

Petioles are spongy and form a bulbous float containing air-filled lacunate tissue. Therefore, the correct answer is option B. Complete answer: Winged petiole is the one in which there is a thin flange of tissue along the length of the petiole.

It is a green and flattened petiole. Plants like Citrus and Dionaea have winged petiole in them. Skip to content Helpful tips. February 7, Joe Ford. Table of Contents. The plant grows at an astonishingly rapid rate; because it is asexual, it is able to reproduce without relying upon insect or wind pollination for fertilization.

Provided it has the correct conditions for growth, including a warm temperature and a high moisture level, the water hyacinth can reproduce almost constantly, covering huge areas, such as the surface of a lake. The leaves of the water hyacinth are another noticeable characteristic. The leaves of the plant contain air-filled tissue, which gives the plant its unusual buoyancy, allowing it to float completely unsupported.

The stems of the plant are filled with the same tissue, which allows the stems to support the leaves without dropping below the surface of the water. Leaves are 10 to 20 cm across, much larger than the flowers, and float above the water surface. If your plants are turning yellow, another possibility is that the plants in your tank are not receiving enough nutrients to facilitate healthy growth. Lack of nutrients may be the problem.

I think mine probably got splashed or moved around too much. Care is extremely easy for Red Root Floater. It can thrive in a relatively wide pH range as well as low to high lighting.

Its only major specific requirement is that it reportedly does not do well with a high level of surface agitation.

Water Hyacinth is a prolific grower and will spread across the waters' surface providing shade and coverage for the water gardens inhabitants. Water Hyacinths are excellent for filtration because their roots absorb nutrients out of the water that might otherwise cause algae. The long black roots of the water hyacinth provide spawning places for fish and create a hiding place for baby fish.

Water Hyacinth grow best in full sun to part shade and need water temperatures to be 65 degrees before adding them to your water garden in the spring.

As they spread during the warm months, if you find you have an over abundance of them, simply net some out of the water garden and use them for compost in your flower beds or vegetable garden. The leaves and roots are full of nutrients and make great compost. This popular floating plant will not survive a winter freeze, and most pond owners replace them yearly because of their great ability to keep the pond water clean and help fight algae naturally.

This is also a question targeted towards knowing your stand as a career woman in your new relationship. His reply tells you if the relationship will negatively affect your personal ambitions in life or not. Some guys still hold onto the old-fashioned way that puts the job of providing for the family as the business of the man alone. As far as life is concerned, stress is inevitable especially for couples who are at the foundation of their lives. When responsibilities are not clearly defined, it can result in excessive stress to one partner.

Putting this to rest when things are getting so serious gives you a clear picture of how calculative your boyfriend can be in handling stress, how much stress he can handle, and when to come in. The answer to this question comes in handy in helping solve some psychological problems. Most times asking your boyfriend this type of question is to know if has attempted suicide or murder — it helps you know if to stay and fight with him to correct what led him to that or use the door.

So if you get a negative answer, you must take the necessary action to save your relationship. This is a question that should be taken seriously especially when he talks about her or sees her often. If the two parties in this relationship should be serious with each other, they should be true to each other and let their past relationships not affect the present relationship.

The more you think about the good days of your past relationship the likelihood of finding yourself back into it or even cheating. When a relationship gets serious, it is likely to end up in marriage.

This question helps in pointing out his readiness, if he is excited about it, if he is skeptical about it or if he is going to run out of love. You have to help in sorting out his fears to avoid being disappointed in the long run. This question reflects what drew him close to you the first time he met you.

In talking about this, you get what attracted them to you and try your best to maintain it. Most times when you lose that attraction, you lose the man totally.

This can be regarded as the climax of deep questions to ask your boyfriend in a relationship. This is the opportunity you have to get your answer.

What fuels an issue in a relationship is when both parties lack common things that they share, as well as other numerous things that can cause issues. The test for compatibility by asking good questions to your boyfriend and making findings through them helps in curbing the lengthy time that you put into loving a person who does not suit your personality. Every relationship had an imagery time when one party nurtured the other in their heart before becoming a couple.

At the first stage when he was still crushing on her, he keeps on building imaginations on the relationship, and trust me he kissed you several times in an imaginary world before the very first real kiss.

The only time he gets to let you know the extent he crushed on you is when he finally achieved his desires and is still in love with what he got. Everybody has this friend that is not behaving as expected and yet you cannot just send them out of your life.

This is one of the good questions to ask your boyfriend and serves as a test to know if he is the type that hoards up things against people in his mind. It is also a typical mind linking test especially when you hoard up the same hatred for people.

This is a question that is aimed at knowing if you share the same choice of environment with your boyfriend. He may love an environment with many trees, cool as well as quiet, but you prefer an environment with lots of people, lots of buildings, and recreational centers. This is a problem that needs immediate attention and has to be sorted before things get deeper. The term infidelity which is mostly seen as betrayal has been the reason for many crashed marriages.

Most times, it happens so quickly before you realize it which makes most people that have cheated confused because it was not their initial plan.

Infidelity is defined in so many ways by different people, some define it as having sex with someone else while some define it as having a deep conversation or flirting with someone else. The answer to this question will help you in knowing the boundaries that your boyfriend has set for his partner in relating to the opposite gender. This is one of the good questions to ask your boyfriend that makes him see you as someone who cares about his past life.

He will loosen up and let out things that would help you in making decisions concerning taking the relationship to the next level. Most times, some guys find it difficult getting over their exes and no one would wish to go into that kind of relationship.

Whether you are overrated or underrated, it all depends on your coordination and the level of respect you command in relating to people. Within you, you know that you are not up to a certain standard people rate you, but due to your contributions and your intellectual capabilities, they tend to overrate your abilities.

Knowing those aspects about your boyfriend gives a clear definition of his intellectual capabilities and contributions to people. Unique qualities are those special skills that are not so common in everyone. Some possess adorable voices, while others can display enviable skills in football.

You must keep admiring them and keep them special. You have to avoid comparing him to other people whose skills are better than him, rather encourage him. Every parent has a very special way of getting their children to adulthood which defers from other families.

To avoid questioning his home training directly which may sound so rude, you can go with this. The behavior of a man will let you know the basic principles that were instilled in him growing up as a child by his parents.

If your boyfriend can tell you these unique steps employed, then you are on a smooth sail to a good deep relationship that will last. There is an existence of fear in everybody but what makes the difference is control over fear. When you get to have control over what scares you a lot, you are gradually eliminating fear.

This question gives you signs you need to watch out for any time you think he is afraid of venturing into something big with you. You must find a way of working things out with him to subdue the fear. One thing about pets is the lovely attitudes they display. Do not forget the fact that not everyone likes having pets around them especially if you are a lover of pets. If you intend to move in with your boyfriend, you should know if he is the type that likes pets around him or not.

Your outlook goes to an extent in describing your real personality and can even attract respect and value. It is necessary to know his preferred style of dressing to know more about his personality.

Also, know his dressing style that is restricted by the nature of his work. But still, there are some guys that love doing house chores and a girl with this kind of boyfriend is lucky and has lesser troubles in home cleaning. Getting to know what offends or turns your boyfriend off in a girl, is like having the answer to one of the most difficult questions of life. If he can open up to you on what he hates most in a woman, it means he wants you to be the best for him.

You should strive to avoid that particular thing and embrace what will keep the joy flowing in the relationship. The Life of every man is like an adventure, most of his decisions are not just planned or even reasoned. But it gets funny that sometimes the unplanned decisions pay more than the critically planned ones. This is almost an abnormal thing that is normal in the mind of many.

Whenever they remember that special person, a particular song automatically gets inside their head as they swim in deep thoughts. To spice up your conversation with your boyfriend get to know if he has this same abnormal normalcy. Find out the song and then get to know what the song also means to him. The forehead is always a good place to kiss a girl whenever you want to kiss randomly or you are in a hurry. Making it your regular kiss spot brings in suspicious questions.

What are you afraid of? When was the last time you voted? How would you describe your relationship with your family? Do you have a best friend? What is your love language? Are you an introvert those who recharge by being alone or an extrovert those who feel energized from being around other people?

Do you hold grudges? Have you ever struggled with addiction? Have you ever been in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship? Do you think a relationship can come back from cheating?

Who was your role model growing up? When you were a kid, what career did you want to have? Did you go to summer camp?

What is your idea of a perfect Sunday afternoon? What is your favorite holiday? What is the best present you've ever received? What did you and your friends do for fun in middle school? Did you have any pets growing up? What is your happiest childhood memory? If you could cook any dish perfectly, what would you choose? When you're having a bad day, what makes you feel better?

At an amusement park, what ride do you just have to go on? What toy did you always want as a kid, but no one ever bought for you? Did you ever sleep with stuffed animals? What sound do you love? What are your favorite scents? What candy do you hate? What is your favorite karaoke song? What was your favorite thing to do during recess? What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

What is the weirdest reason you ever broke up with someone? When was the time you laughed the hardest? If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? What celebrities have you met? What word do you hate? What is your pop culture guilty pleasure? What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? What is the weirdest thing you've ever bought? Have you ever been to a palm reader? Who would you rather hire: a personal trainer, a personal chef, or a housekeeper?

What would you do if you could be a woman for a day? What is the one movie you've seen more times than you can count? If a movie was being made about your life, what actor would play you? What actress would play your love interest? What were you like in high school? What fictional character do you relate to the most? Would you rather be hot or cold? If you could be born in a different decade, what decade would you choose? What is your favorite part about being an adult? Have you ever played Truth or Dare?

What was the most memorable dare that you accepted? In an ideal world, how many times would you have sex in a week? What is something you've always wanted to try in bed?

Have you ever been attracted to a man? How did you lose your virginity? When was the first time you ever masturbated? What is your number one sexual fantasy? Would you ever do it in real life? Where is your favorite place to have sex outside of the bedroom? Have you ever been walked in on during sex?

Have you ever walked in on someone else? What is the craziest thing you've ever been asked to do in bed? Did you do it? How do you feel about porn? What kind of porn do you like? What is your favorite sexual position? What is your least favorite sexual position? What are your most sensitive erogenous zones that don't always get attention? Nipples, ears, neck, etc. What is your favorite part about sex? Foreplay, teasing, penetration, oral sex, pillow talk, etc.

If we were going to role play, who would you want me to dress up as? What sex toy have you been dying to try? What words or sexy phrases turn you on? Have you ever been afraid of a ghost? What was your best Halloween costume? What was your favorite school lunch as a kid? What is your favorite Simpsons joke? If you could live inside the world of one TV show, which would you choose? If you have a billion dollars, what do you think your life would be like?

What is your favorite scent? What is your favorite outfit? If you could change your name to anything, would you change it, and what would you change it to? If you could suddenly be very good at something without having to put any effort into getting good at it, what would it be? What career do you wish you could have? If you could go to the moon, would you? Do you think aliens exist?

Do you think you would do better or worse on the SATs if you had to take them now? What is your favorite meal of all time? What cartoon character do you think is the hottest of all time? What is your most controversial movie-related opinion?

Do you think dogs go to heaven? If you could change one thing about me what would it be?

Limestone and travertine are both made of calcite, but they form in different ways. Limestone forms in marine environments, and is made out of the remains of seashells, corals, and calcite that is dissolved in the seawater. The hot spring is dissolving away some of the underlying limestone and re-depositing it as travertine. Geologic recycling, if you will.

Part of the fun of watching rocks form in real time is that it sheds light on how rocks formed in the ancient past. In the case of travertine, a myriad of different textures and patterns can be seen while wandering the springs and pools. The variations are caused by changes in the water flow rate, the temperature of the water, and the types of microorganisms present. On average, the active springs in Mammoth add an astonishing 8-inch thickness of new stone every year.

Everything in the water gets coated in calcite, creating instant fossils. The travertine terraces at Mammoth range in color from stark white to rich hues of gold, green, orange, and brown. The colors are from heat-loving bacteria that thrive in the hot water.

Active springs bear the colorful signatures of bacteria, while recent but inactive sections of the spring are pure white, since they no longer have microorganisms to add color.

As the travertine ages, it turns grey. One can judge the age of different formations by looking at the color. The darker the grey, the older it is. Anything that falls into the hot spring pools becomes coated in calcite.

Leaves, sticks, and even feathers turn into instant fossils. The former quarry above the town of Gardiner, MT has drilled and sawn faces of travertine. Sedimentary rocks are composed largely of silica i. Sedimentary rocks are classified as clastic, that is, they are composed of discrete clasts of material rather than being composed of organic material as is the case for a limestone.

Carbonate minerals precipitating out of the ocean cover the ocean floor with layers of calcite which can later form limestone. Sedimentary rocks are economically important in that they can be used as construction material. In addition, sedimentary rocks often form porous and permeable reservoirs in sedimentary basins in which petroleum and other hydrocarbons can be found. It is believed that the relatively low levels of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere, in comparison to that of Venus, is due to large amounts of carbon being trapped in limestone and dolomite sedimentary layers.

Most travertine is white or cream colored. It consists mainly of calcium carbonate. It forms when calcium carbonate separates from water through evaporation. Travertine is often used as decorative building stone because it is easy to cut. Travertine occurs in areas where limestone is common and where circulating ground water contains calcium carbonate.

It often forms around the mouths of hot springs and in streams. Rock formations called stalactites and stalagmites, which are found in caves, consist primarily of travertine. When carbon dioxide-rich water percolates through rocks in limestone areas, the water dissolves the limestone typical karst process and becomes saturated with it.

When the environment the water runs through changes significantly e. The calcium carbonate then recrystallizes; small debris, scrub and living biotic material such as moss, algae, and cyanobacteria are encrusted.

The biotic material may survive and continue growing on top. Rich deposits of aged, dried and hardened travertine have already been mined by the Romans. Just think that for the transport of the travertine blocks from the quarries of Tibur today Bagni a Tivoli to the capital a road was built on purpose. In addition to the Colosseum, travertine also adorns the exterior of the Teatro Marcello , the frame of the Pantheon, the columns of St. The combination of travertine and water is represented in all its splendor and spectacular Baroque fullness in the work of the Trevi Fountain, the largest fountain in Rome and another symbol of the Eternal City.

The arches of what remains of the aqueducts were also made of travertine rock. The Claudian aqueduct is, among other things, characterized by a magnificent chiaroscuro effect mainly due to the use of travertine blocks alternating with unworked stone blocks such as peperino and red tuff. Or the Getty Center in Los Angeles whose architectural structure, built with over , square meters of travertine stone imported from Italy, completes the surrounding natural environment and pays homage to the concept of a historic building.

Based on the origin and the different colors available, it is possible to make a subdivision of different travertine colors , among the most present on the market. This shade is not among the most common but it is certainly one of the most elegant. It should be emphasized that this color is also widely used for imitation travertine or for slabs with a travertine effect, such as travertine porcelain stoneware for example.

Below we list three types of grey travertine: Rapolano silver travertine , vesta travertine and titanium travertine. The silver travertine , as well as the zebra silver travertine, is one of the most valuable varieties of the Rapolano quarry in Tuscany.

This variety of travertine is characterized by gray shades and particularly straight grains of gray, silver and beige. These chromatic characteristics make it a unique stone in the world, so much so that silver travertine is often chosen for prestigious projects at an international level. Italian travertine stone with a very light gray or ecru background and crossed by contrasting veins of a lighter color such as white, silver or ivory.

The veins of Vesta travertine are generally very marked, wavy and of different thickness and intensity. Titanium travertine is a variety of travertine extracted essentially in Iran and Turkey.

Titanium travertine has a surprising color ranging from dark gray sometimes tending to brown to light phrygian. Given its color and special characteristics that differentiate it from the more classic travertines, it is particularly suitable for spaces with a modern design and combined with typically industrial materials such as steel and concrete. Yellow travertine comes mainly from the Middle East although we have also included a yellow travertine extracted in Italy, namely the Roman golden travertine.

Yellow travertine usually has a cream-colored background with dark yellow streaks on which rare more delicate streaks stand out. Yellow travertine has been used both indoors and outdoors since ancient times and the types of yellow travertine that we have examined, in addition to the Roman golden travertine, are the Persian or Turkish yellow travertine and the Persian golden travertine. This travertine comes mostly from Iran but can also be found in Turkey.

The Persian yellow travertine has an intense yellow color which is enhanced even better thanks to processes such as polishing, brushing or sandblasting. The texture of the Persian yellow travertine is compact and dense on which it is possible to identify thin brown or white veins. The use of Persian yellow travertine is suggested in contexts where there is water since the wet effect enhances the yellow color of this stone even more.

This type of golden travertine is quarried in Italy and is characterized by a warm color that is between walnut and yellow. It is customary to combine this type of travertine with lighter-colored travertines such as beige.

Even the golden travertine from the Middle East has very similar characteristics to that extracted in Italy: it is, in fact, a travertine with golden tones of yellow and beige with light brown streaks. With pink travertines we get closer to the typical colors of travertine. Pink travertine is a natural stone of Italian origin characterized by a rather uniform background of light pink color with more or less distinct shades and veins of more intense color.

The types of pink travertine that we present below are Turkish pink travertine, Scabas travertine and Paglierino travertine. Turkish pink travertine is a rather rare stone extracted only in a few Turkish travertine quarries.

Being a very rare stone, it is mainly used for projects of great value or, due to its special pink color, for the creation of modern and luxury living spaces. Scabas travertine is a travertine coming mainly from Spain but there are also some extraction basins in Italy in the province of Siena. Scabas travertine is a material with pink and beige tones with concentrations of minerals that give life to such veins as to make it a heterogeneous stone.

Scabas travertine from the area of San Casciano dei Bagni in the province of Siena represents another of the Tuscan stone excellences: it is a porous travertine stone with small holes that generally tend to be covered with crystals. Scabas travertine is particularly suitable for indoor use.

Paglierino travertine is a travertine with a natural consistency , with a very compact structure and without major pores or cavities. The predominant color of this stone is precisely straw-colored pink, with limited darker shades that highlight the delicate streaks.

Beige is undoubtedly the typical shade of travertine and for which it is famous throughout the world. Among the best-known beige travertines, it is impossible not to mention the Alabastrino travertine, the classic Roman travertine and the Navona travertine. Quarried in the Tivoli travertine quarry area, Alabastrino travertine is a generally pore-free stone with a uniform ivory yellow and light beige color with wavy veins ranging from yellow to havana.

Alabastrino travertine, being anti-freeze and anti-slip, is often used in outdoor environments such as for the construction of outdoor floors, swimming pools and bathrooms. Classic Roman travertine is undoubtedly the most famous variant of travertine in the world and can be found in all the most famous works of the capital. Classic Roman travertine is a material with a homogeneous light beige color with light streaks and characterized by a high porosity which successfully highlights the naturalness of this stone and recalls at a glance the classical and Baroque architecture of Rome.

Navona travertine is a light cream-colored travertine rock with warm shades and ivory streaks. It is a homogeneous stone with no significant cavities widely used for the construction of interior floors and walls.

Navona travertine is generally lighter than classic travertine and has a more intense brightness that allows the light to be reflected more on the rooms. The walnut travertine has a compact and homogeneous structure as well as a dark and warm beige background color stained by delicate cream-colored veins.

Also known as black rats or roof rats , these rodents are some of the most likely to invade your home. They range from five to seven inches long, with a tail that can be up to eight inches, and they weigh up to half a pound.

They have scraggly fur that can be black or medium to light brown. One of their hallmarks is an underside that is lighter than the rest of their body. Ship rats are found on every continent, but they are most common in coastal areas and tropical climates. However, they are extremely adaptable and can also be found in northern U. They are also adaptable when it comes to their diets.

Because ship rats are omnivores, they will happily eat seeds, fruit, small animals such as birds, dog and cat food, and everything in between—an important fact to keep in mind when you consider what might be attracting rats to your home.

Ship rats and their parasites have been known to carry several dangerous diseases, including:. Norway rats, also known as brown rats, are some of the largest rats out there, often totaling up to 20 inches, including the tail. They can weigh twice as much as a black rat, and they dwarf the common house mouse.

Their coarse fur is usually brown or dark grey, and they have a lighter underside. Norway rats are very adaptable to different climates and temperature zones. They build their nests in underground burrows or at ground level to stay warm. Norway rats are found throughout the U. The main threat of disease from Norway rats is relayed via the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, which causes muscle pain, fever, and headaches in humans.

Marsh rice rats are smaller than most other subspecies, usually with a total length of 12 inches or less. What you can do. Some of the main ways you and your neighbours can limit rodents are: Take away the places they like to hide, sleep, and nest Remove clutter and rubbish from your yard, garage or carport, and basement. Move bushes, shrubs, and mulch away from the building's foundation. Store firewood and piled lumber away from walls and about 1 foot off the ground.

Keep the grass trimmed, and do not pile grass clippings under shrubs or trees. Cut back overgrown or densely planted bushes and trees.

Keep them outdoors Rats and mice can chew their way into buildings, or can squeeze through very small cracks or holes. In order to keep them out, you can: Seal all holes and cracks in the foundation, walls, floors and roof. Install sheet metal kick plates on the exterior of doors. Install metal flashing between foundations and the ground. Take away their food and water Practice proper composting techniques. Remove any fallen fruits or nuts from your yard.

Clean up any leftover food when your pet is finished eating. Do not place food outside for stray animals. Remove spilled bird seed from beneath bird feeders. Repair leaky pipes or taps that might provide water. Use proper garbage cans with tight fitting lids to store garbage. Take away traces of other rats or mice in the area Wash away urine stains, rub marks, and tracks with a mild bleach solution.

Roof rats, sometimes called black rats, are superb climbers that tend to nest above ground. In the wild, roof rats inhabit shrubs, trees and dense vegetation. In domestic environments, they seek out secure, elevated places such as attics, walls, sheetrock ceilings and cabinets.

They may enter homes through trees close to windows or eaves. As opposed to the Norway rat, roof rats tend to limit their geographical range to warmer climates often along the coast. Rats are generally larger than mice. While young rats can sometimes be mistaken for mice, they can be distinguished by their disproportionately long feet and oversized head. Both rodents are capable of chewing through hard, wooden surfaces, but rat teeth marks are much larger than those of mice. Rat Behavior.

Rat Borne Diseases. Rat Diet. Rat Fleas. Rat Habitat. Rat Holes. Rat Infestation. Rat Sense of Smell.