What kinda questions can i ask my boyfriend
This is also a question targeted towards knowing your stand as a career woman in your new relationship. His reply tells you if the relationship will negatively affect your personal ambitions in life or not. Some guys still hold onto the old-fashioned way that puts the job of providing for the family as the business of the man alone. As far as life is concerned, stress is inevitable especially for couples who are at the foundation of their lives. When responsibilities are not clearly defined, it can result in excessive stress to one partner.
Putting this to rest when things are getting so serious gives you a clear picture of how calculative your boyfriend can be in handling stress, how much stress he can handle, and when to come in. The answer to this question comes in handy in helping solve some psychological problems. Most times asking your boyfriend this type of question is to know if has attempted suicide or murder — it helps you know if to stay and fight with him to correct what led him to that or use the door.
So if you get a negative answer, you must take the necessary action to save your relationship. This is a question that should be taken seriously especially when he talks about her or sees her often. If the two parties in this relationship should be serious with each other, they should be true to each other and let their past relationships not affect the present relationship.
The more you think about the good days of your past relationship the likelihood of finding yourself back into it or even cheating. When a relationship gets serious, it is likely to end up in marriage.
This question helps in pointing out his readiness, if he is excited about it, if he is skeptical about it or if he is going to run out of love. You have to help in sorting out his fears to avoid being disappointed in the long run. This question reflects what drew him close to you the first time he met you.
In talking about this, you get what attracted them to you and try your best to maintain it. Most times when you lose that attraction, you lose the man totally.
This can be regarded as the climax of deep questions to ask your boyfriend in a relationship. This is the opportunity you have to get your answer.
What fuels an issue in a relationship is when both parties lack common things that they share, as well as other numerous things that can cause issues. The test for compatibility by asking good questions to your boyfriend and making findings through them helps in curbing the lengthy time that you put into loving a person who does not suit your personality. Every relationship had an imagery time when one party nurtured the other in their heart before becoming a couple.
At the first stage when he was still crushing on her, he keeps on building imaginations on the relationship, and trust me he kissed you several times in an imaginary world before the very first real kiss.
The only time he gets to let you know the extent he crushed on you is when he finally achieved his desires and is still in love with what he got. Everybody has this friend that is not behaving as expected and yet you cannot just send them out of your life.
This is one of the good questions to ask your boyfriend and serves as a test to know if he is the type that hoards up things against people in his mind. It is also a typical mind linking test especially when you hoard up the same hatred for people.
This is a question that is aimed at knowing if you share the same choice of environment with your boyfriend. He may love an environment with many trees, cool as well as quiet, but you prefer an environment with lots of people, lots of buildings, and recreational centers. This is a problem that needs immediate attention and has to be sorted before things get deeper. The term infidelity which is mostly seen as betrayal has been the reason for many crashed marriages.
Most times, it happens so quickly before you realize it which makes most people that have cheated confused because it was not their initial plan.
Infidelity is defined in so many ways by different people, some define it as having sex with someone else while some define it as having a deep conversation or flirting with someone else. The answer to this question will help you in knowing the boundaries that your boyfriend has set for his partner in relating to the opposite gender. This is one of the good questions to ask your boyfriend that makes him see you as someone who cares about his past life.
He will loosen up and let out things that would help you in making decisions concerning taking the relationship to the next level. Most times, some guys find it difficult getting over their exes and no one would wish to go into that kind of relationship.
Whether you are overrated or underrated, it all depends on your coordination and the level of respect you command in relating to people. Within you, you know that you are not up to a certain standard people rate you, but due to your contributions and your intellectual capabilities, they tend to overrate your abilities.
Knowing those aspects about your boyfriend gives a clear definition of his intellectual capabilities and contributions to people. Unique qualities are those special skills that are not so common in everyone. Some possess adorable voices, while others can display enviable skills in football.
You must keep admiring them and keep them special. You have to avoid comparing him to other people whose skills are better than him, rather encourage him. Every parent has a very special way of getting their children to adulthood which defers from other families.
To avoid questioning his home training directly which may sound so rude, you can go with this. The behavior of a man will let you know the basic principles that were instilled in him growing up as a child by his parents.
If your boyfriend can tell you these unique steps employed, then you are on a smooth sail to a good deep relationship that will last. There is an existence of fear in everybody but what makes the difference is control over fear. When you get to have control over what scares you a lot, you are gradually eliminating fear.
This question gives you signs you need to watch out for any time you think he is afraid of venturing into something big with you. You must find a way of working things out with him to subdue the fear. One thing about pets is the lovely attitudes they display. Do not forget the fact that not everyone likes having pets around them especially if you are a lover of pets. If you intend to move in with your boyfriend, you should know if he is the type that likes pets around him or not.
Your outlook goes to an extent in describing your real personality and can even attract respect and value. It is necessary to know his preferred style of dressing to know more about his personality.
Also, know his dressing style that is restricted by the nature of his work. But still, there are some guys that love doing house chores and a girl with this kind of boyfriend is lucky and has lesser troubles in home cleaning. Getting to know what offends or turns your boyfriend off in a girl, is like having the answer to one of the most difficult questions of life. If he can open up to you on what he hates most in a woman, it means he wants you to be the best for him.
You should strive to avoid that particular thing and embrace what will keep the joy flowing in the relationship. The Life of every man is like an adventure, most of his decisions are not just planned or even reasoned. But it gets funny that sometimes the unplanned decisions pay more than the critically planned ones. This is almost an abnormal thing that is normal in the mind of many.
Whenever they remember that special person, a particular song automatically gets inside their head as they swim in deep thoughts. To spice up your conversation with your boyfriend get to know if he has this same abnormal normalcy. Find out the song and then get to know what the song also means to him. The forehead is always a good place to kiss a girl whenever you want to kiss randomly or you are in a hurry. Making it your regular kiss spot brings in suspicious questions.
What are you afraid of? When was the last time you voted? How would you describe your relationship with your family? Do you have a best friend? What is your love language? Are you an introvert those who recharge by being alone or an extrovert those who feel energized from being around other people?
Do you hold grudges? Have you ever struggled with addiction? Have you ever been in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship? Do you think a relationship can come back from cheating?
Who was your role model growing up? When you were a kid, what career did you want to have? Did you go to summer camp?
What is your idea of a perfect Sunday afternoon? What is your favorite holiday? What is the best present you've ever received? What did you and your friends do for fun in middle school? Did you have any pets growing up? What is your happiest childhood memory? If you could cook any dish perfectly, what would you choose? When you're having a bad day, what makes you feel better?
At an amusement park, what ride do you just have to go on? What toy did you always want as a kid, but no one ever bought for you? Did you ever sleep with stuffed animals? What sound do you love? What are your favorite scents? What candy do you hate? What is your favorite karaoke song? What was your favorite thing to do during recess? What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
What is the weirdest reason you ever broke up with someone? When was the time you laughed the hardest? If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? What celebrities have you met? What word do you hate? What is your pop culture guilty pleasure? What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? What is the weirdest thing you've ever bought? Have you ever been to a palm reader? Who would you rather hire: a personal trainer, a personal chef, or a housekeeper?
What would you do if you could be a woman for a day? What is the one movie you've seen more times than you can count? If a movie was being made about your life, what actor would play you? What actress would play your love interest? What were you like in high school? What fictional character do you relate to the most? Would you rather be hot or cold? If you could be born in a different decade, what decade would you choose? What is your favorite part about being an adult? Have you ever played Truth or Dare?
What was the most memorable dare that you accepted? In an ideal world, how many times would you have sex in a week? What is something you've always wanted to try in bed?
Have you ever been attracted to a man? How did you lose your virginity? When was the first time you ever masturbated? What is your number one sexual fantasy? Would you ever do it in real life? Where is your favorite place to have sex outside of the bedroom? Have you ever been walked in on during sex?
Have you ever walked in on someone else? What is the craziest thing you've ever been asked to do in bed? Did you do it? How do you feel about porn? What kind of porn do you like? What is your favorite sexual position? What is your least favorite sexual position? What are your most sensitive erogenous zones that don't always get attention? Nipples, ears, neck, etc. What is your favorite part about sex? Foreplay, teasing, penetration, oral sex, pillow talk, etc.
If we were going to role play, who would you want me to dress up as? What sex toy have you been dying to try? What words or sexy phrases turn you on? Have you ever been afraid of a ghost? What was your best Halloween costume? What was your favorite school lunch as a kid? What is your favorite Simpsons joke? If you could live inside the world of one TV show, which would you choose? If you have a billion dollars, what do you think your life would be like?
What is your favorite scent? What is your favorite outfit? If you could change your name to anything, would you change it, and what would you change it to? If you could suddenly be very good at something without having to put any effort into getting good at it, what would it be? What career do you wish you could have? If you could go to the moon, would you? Do you think aliens exist?
Do you think you would do better or worse on the SATs if you had to take them now? What is your favorite meal of all time? What cartoon character do you think is the hottest of all time? What is your most controversial movie-related opinion?
Do you think dogs go to heaven? If you could change one thing about me what would it be?