What kind of rats do i have
Also known as black rats or roof rats , these rodents are some of the most likely to invade your home. They range from five to seven inches long, with a tail that can be up to eight inches, and they weigh up to half a pound.
They have scraggly fur that can be black or medium to light brown. One of their hallmarks is an underside that is lighter than the rest of their body. Ship rats are found on every continent, but they are most common in coastal areas and tropical climates. However, they are extremely adaptable and can also be found in northern U. They are also adaptable when it comes to their diets.
Because ship rats are omnivores, they will happily eat seeds, fruit, small animals such as birds, dog and cat food, and everything in between—an important fact to keep in mind when you consider what might be attracting rats to your home.
Ship rats and their parasites have been known to carry several dangerous diseases, including:. Norway rats, also known as brown rats, are some of the largest rats out there, often totaling up to 20 inches, including the tail. They can weigh twice as much as a black rat, and they dwarf the common house mouse.
Their coarse fur is usually brown or dark grey, and they have a lighter underside. Norway rats are very adaptable to different climates and temperature zones. They build their nests in underground burrows or at ground level to stay warm. Norway rats are found throughout the U. The main threat of disease from Norway rats is relayed via the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, which causes muscle pain, fever, and headaches in humans.
Marsh rice rats are smaller than most other subspecies, usually with a total length of 12 inches or less. What you can do. Some of the main ways you and your neighbours can limit rodents are: Take away the places they like to hide, sleep, and nest Remove clutter and rubbish from your yard, garage or carport, and basement. Move bushes, shrubs, and mulch away from the building's foundation. Store firewood and piled lumber away from walls and about 1 foot off the ground.
Keep the grass trimmed, and do not pile grass clippings under shrubs or trees. Cut back overgrown or densely planted bushes and trees.
Keep them outdoors Rats and mice can chew their way into buildings, or can squeeze through very small cracks or holes. In order to keep them out, you can: Seal all holes and cracks in the foundation, walls, floors and roof. Install sheet metal kick plates on the exterior of doors. Install metal flashing between foundations and the ground. Take away their food and water Practice proper composting techniques. Remove any fallen fruits or nuts from your yard.
Clean up any leftover food when your pet is finished eating. Do not place food outside for stray animals. Remove spilled bird seed from beneath bird feeders. Repair leaky pipes or taps that might provide water. Use proper garbage cans with tight fitting lids to store garbage. Take away traces of other rats or mice in the area Wash away urine stains, rub marks, and tracks with a mild bleach solution.
Roof rats, sometimes called black rats, are superb climbers that tend to nest above ground. In the wild, roof rats inhabit shrubs, trees and dense vegetation. In domestic environments, they seek out secure, elevated places such as attics, walls, sheetrock ceilings and cabinets.
They may enter homes through trees close to windows or eaves. As opposed to the Norway rat, roof rats tend to limit their geographical range to warmer climates often along the coast. Rats are generally larger than mice. While young rats can sometimes be mistaken for mice, they can be distinguished by their disproportionately long feet and oversized head. Both rodents are capable of chewing through hard, wooden surfaces, but rat teeth marks are much larger than those of mice. Rat Behavior.
Rat Borne Diseases. Rat Diet. Rat Fleas. Rat Habitat. Rat Holes. Rat Infestation. Rat Sense of Smell.