What makes commercials great
In the past, advertising relied on mass media such as radio and television to reach as wide an audience as possible.
Every brand has a buyer persona or ideal customer profile they are trying to attract. The more focused your advertising is on a particular audience, the more effective it can be. The content of your advertising messages should be specially designed to appeal to the feelings and needs of your audience. Ads do not work if they are not trying to appeal to a specific type of person.
Advertising campaigns require an investment of time, resources, and of course, money. Generally, the channel issuing the advertisements charges a certain amount in exchange for its dissemination. A good ad campaign will increase the company's profits, and this should exceed the invested cost.
A positive ROI indicates that the advertising campaign has been a success. Therefore, effective advertising stands out from the competition by using unexpected formats and resources. You can grab a user's attention by emphasizing the novelty of your product or service, offering a great deal, or doing something completely out of the box, like Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign.
Videos that tell stories, shocking images, unforgettable speeches, catchy jingles, etc. Effective ads use creativity to stand out and make a brand immediately identifiable or memorable. The best creative ads manage to surprise users, move them to action, and become instantly memorable, all while remaining faithful to the principles of the brand. This dimension of creativity is about blending or connecting normally unrelated objects or ideas.
For example, Wrigley aired a commercial that featured rabbits corralled like cattle and fed bananas, berries, and melon, making their buckteeth grow in as Juicy Fruit Squish chewing gum. The commercial combines unrelated objects rabbits and chewing gum to create a divergent story line.
Ads with a high level of artistic creativity contain aesthetically appealing verbal, visual, or sound elements. Their production quality is high, their dialogue is clever, their color palette is original, or their music is memorable.
As a result, consumers often view the ads as almost a piece of art rather than a blatant sales pitch. It showed a woman floating on a flower petal through a sea of Fantasia yogurt, surrounded by flowers laden with fruits.
In analyzing the relationship between creativity and advertising effectiveness, companies typically use sales response models that are based on conventional regression analyses. We have found, however, that such regression is problematic because it assumes that the input variables creativity and ad budget, say are independent of one another in their effect.
In the real world, the longer a creative ad is aired, the more impact the creativity has on sales. Hierarchical models get around the problem by nesting one regression model within another.
This allows us to see both the direct impact of creativity on sales and the amplifying effect of the budget, and thus arrive at a more accurate overall estimate of the effect of creativity on sales. Our study revealed dramatic variation in overall creativity scores across the campaigns. The average score for overall creativity was 2.
The lowest score was 1. Only 11 of the campaigns received an overall score above 5 five of them were cola campaigns. At the other end of the spectrum, 10 campaigns had an overall score below 1. The scores mattered a lot, we found. A euro invested in a highly creative ad campaign had, on average, nearly double the sales impact of a euro spent on a noncreative campaign.
The impact of creativity was initially relatively small but typically gathered momentum as the campaign rolled out. A euro invested in a highly creative ad campaign had nearly double the sales impact of a euro spent on a noncreative campaign. Companies have plenty of room for improvement in the creativity of ad campaigns.
For instance, the types of creativity that agencies currently emphasize are often not the most effective ones at driving sales. In our research, we quantified the impact that each dimension has on sales.
Although all of them had a positive impact, elaboration had by far the most powerful one 1. Trailing behind were originality 1. Yet the study shows that ad agencies use originality and artistic value more than they use elaboration. Possibly, companies think primarily of originality when trying to be creative. You can also bring in an upcoming season or event when your product will come in handy to make people buy now. One of the most important parts of creating an effective ad is building up trust and interest in your company.
It is important to build trust in your business, its products and services so they know that your company is the right choice.
You can do this by showing that others in the past have been pleased with their decision to buy from or work with you. A great way to do this is by adding a testimonial or two to your ads from those who are satisfied with your company and its products.
Today, countless people rely on online reviews when shopping for new businesses, products and services. People trust other consumers and want to know what they have to say about a company. Seeing that other consumers who are just like them, are happy with your product can encourage potential clients to give you a try.
Plain text on a plain background can be boring. You can appeal to the visual interest that your clients have by adding exciting graphics to your advertisements. For example, you can post a picture of what you have to offer, or you can post something that is going to grab attention. You can take the pictures yourself, or you can look for royalty-free, no-cost images online. Regardless, adding something visual will help draw more attention and interest to your company.
Anything else is a waste of money. You should use your ads to link people to your website for more information as part of the contact information. This is imperative for several reasons. One, if people check out your site and are impressed with it, you have a better chance of turning them into real clients. Secondly, you can track how your ads perform and what leads are generated on the website to get an idea of how well your campaign is working. Therefore, you should focus on providing all of your customers with the best experience that you can.
If you always deliver more than they expect, then you never have to worry about anyone being disappointed. These 11 tips for creating an effective ad can help your promotions stand head and shoulders over those of your competition.
You will be able to make eye-catching ads that will get people excited about what you have to offer. That will help improve your conversion rate of making prospects into real customers.
This is a lot of stuff to put on an advertisement! However, I really agree that it is important to stand out when advertising. You want people to actually read everything on your ad!
Absolutely Delores. Keep in mind not all of them need to be implemented at once, and some are probably more vital than others, but the more the better. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! The effect of advertising is quite small — a one percent increase in advertising expenditures leads to. Great work The last tip of contacts is critically important because it really defines the intention of any ad that is particularly reaching out to new clients.
After getting impressed they will now want to solve their problem which you have told them by reaching out to your business premises. I am just about putting my business ads.
Thanks alot!! Good day1 I have read a time ago better idea from your article it helped me,Actually I work on online Sale and need more examples for advertising. Show your complete address, telephone number, web address, email, and social network pages. You can also make it easy for viewers to reach out to you by having a QR code on your ad that directs users to a mobile landing page where they can easily click to call or follow a link to a contact page.
Because space and time is limited, a captivating image is a great way to get your message across, as it can tell a whole story with just a glance. Still, you can make your brand even more unforgettable by always trying to be a little different than the competition. Be bold and not afraid to go out on a limb every now and then as consumers are more likely to remember the unordinary as opposed to just another humdrum ad.
At Rocket Dog Media, we treat all of our clients as individuals and work to provide you with a unique marketing strategy that aligns with your business' mission.
Rely on the advertising experts at Rocket Dog Media to design an innovative campaign to keep your company thriving. The location and placement of your advertisements are two of the most important factors in reaching your target audience. Rocket Dog's imaginative designers can pinpoint the venue that will best connect your business with potential customers.