What is the outsiders movie rated

Runtime: 91 min. See All Details and Credits. Watch Now. Stream On. Buy on. Critic Reviews. The Guardian Peter Bradshaw. This is a film that carries you along and there is an added savour in seeing those cherubic faces which have since settled into middle age.

Read full review. Peter Travers. Francis Coppola's revision of his film of S. Hinton's best seller The Outsiders is funny, touching and revelatory, with twenty-two minutes of added footage and a new soundtrack featuring Elvis Presley.

Roger Ebert. Coppola's teenagers seem trapped inside too many layers of storytelling. David Ansen. The loving exhumation of an earlier cinematic style suggests that the director is looking to regain his own moviemaking innocence, to make the kind of picture that moved him as a child.

But you can't go home again -- not on secondhand, sentimentalized memories. In transferring Hinton's teens to the screen, Coppola and screenwriter Kathleen Knutsen Rowell have idealized them to the point of cliche. Jay Scott. This is an honestly moving, ungainly film. Kyle Smith. Dave Kehr. Francis Ford Coppola's gang film is as moony about death as "One From the Heart" was over romance; the film is unremitting in its morbid sentimentality, running its teenage characters through a masochistic gamut of beatings, killings, burnings, and suicides.

User Score. Write a Review. User Reviews. RhiannonK Feb 18, This is an enspiring movie. Matt Dillon as Dallas Winston. Ralph Macchio as Johnny Cade. Thomas Howell as Ponyboy Curtis. Diane Lane as Cherry Valance. Leif Garrett as Bob Sheldon. Darren Dalton as Randy Anderson. Reviews The Outsiders. Roger Ebert March 25, Now streaming on:. Powered by JustWatch. Meanwhile, Ponyboy's brothers Darry Patrick Swayze — the eldest, who put his own dreams aside to care for his younger brothers after their parents were killed in a car accident— and Sodapop Rob Lowe , are frantic; the orphaned brothers are at constant risk of being seperated by child welfare authorities.

The charismatic Dillon is a believable delinquent and gets solid support from a cast that went on to populate some of the better youth pictures in years to come. Among the changes to the director's version of the film are the inclusion of a long opening sequence that introduces the Curtis brothers as Dally and Sodapop come to Ponyboy's aid as he's attacked by a car-load of Socs, and a sequence in which Sodapop and Ponyboy talk together in bed, which was cut because test audiences were made uncomfortable by what they perceived as homoerotic implications.

Several of Lowe's scenes were put back as well, including one in which he breaks down after being forced to intercede one time too many in his brothers' squabbling. If you think what we do is worthwhile, please donate or become a member advertisement The Outsiders PG - 3. Teen melodrama set in s Oklahoma, based on S. Hinton's novel about rival gangs of young men from Tulsa's disparate neighborhoods: the upscale Socs and the underprivileged Greasers hate each other with passion, and fight at every opportunity.

The plot revolves around budding writer and Greaser Ponyboy C. Thomas Howell who falls in love with a popular cheerleader Diane Lane from the Socs' side of town, a fight that ends in someone's death, and the rescue of children from a fire by unlikely heroes. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. A young man is shown bare-chested and wrapped around the waist in a towel after showering.

A woman is shown in a bikini in a movie. Two young men talk about what love is like. Boys and young men hug each other in many scenes in order to console each other.

A boy dies from burns.


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