What is the difference between sisterlocks and dreadlocks

A post shared by The Mrs. Microlocs are locks smaller than traditional locks. The average size of mature traditional dreadlocks is the diameter of a pencil. This means microlocs are locks whose sizes are smaller than that of a pencil. Installation of microlocs is similar to that of traditional locks. First, it starts with a twist, braid or coil then wax or balm is topically applied to facilitate locking.

Creation of microlocs can be done without any formal training. Depending on how fast your hair grows, you may need to maintain your locks after every weeks to keep the roots tightened. Maintenance of microlocs can be done using interlocking or palm rolling techniques. You may have guessed already… This is the first article I am doing on locks and that definitely means I have been considering installing them. No rush though, I am still in between decisions. Back in , I installed traditional locks and removed them a week later.

So this time around I have to take my time and do my homework before deciding. Before you leave, you may find this recommended products page useful.

But wait, what is the difference between sisterlocks and microlocs? To better understand the difference between microlocs and sisterlocks we will cover the following in this article: What are sisterlocks? How are sisterlocks installed? Sisterlocks are basically smaller dreadlocks achieved with a specified hair locking technique and locking tool. Dreadlocks can be achieved through palm-rolling, matting, or braiding. Sisterlocks, however, require a very specific technique.

This locking technique has been trademarked by Sisterlocks, the company. Therefore, anyone who wants to do sisterlocks has to be a registered consultant or registered trainee. It is possible for you to learn how to do your own sisterlocks from R-certified consultants. They hold their own courses at a much lower cost. Therefore, the locking pattern varies per person. R-certified consultants will identify your individualized lock pattern and teach you how to do it.

The installation time varies depending on how long and how thick your hair is. My sisterlocks took about 15 hours. My hair was approximately 4 inches long at the time, but I have thick hair. Another factor is the speed of your sisterlocks consultant.

The locticians where I used to live move much faster than the ones where I live now, so it could also depend on your region. It takes several months before the hair starts locking on its own.

It is a perfect hairstyle for women who want to experience the process of locking their hair first hand. Also, during a traditional maintenance session, it will take a loctition 45 mins to 1 hour and a half to palm roll a full set of traditional locs.

Sisterlocks are microlocs that are interlocked using a special tool. When sisterlocks are installed, depending on your hair length, your hair may be interlocked down the length of your hair, but definitely at the root.

This allows you to have the locs without having to go through the different phases of locking your hair. Therefore, they are perfect for people who would find it challenging to grow traditional locks and prefer quick results. Traditional locs are created through palm rolling or matting.

This is whereby, strands of medium to large amounts of hair are matted together. They are easy to begin and the re-twisting process, which helps preserve the style, is not complicated. Sisterlocks are installed using a special gadget on small portions of your hair. This is done only by trained, certified Sisterlocks associates. Installation can take more than 24 hours depending on your hair density and length.

Sisterlocks are quite expensive.


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