What is the difference between layer2 and layer 3 networking

Essentially, the switch learns which MAC addresses are associated with which physical ports, allowing the free-flow of data between devices on the network. Rather than sending one large chunk of information across the network which would be slow , these much smaller packets are quick and efficient to route through the network.

In using packet switching, collision domain is reduced. Collision domain occurs when two or more hosts try to communicate at the same time. To recap, a layer 2 switch is designed to only work with Media Access Control MAC Addresses, and uses packet switching to transfer tiny packets of data between host computers on a network.

It works by connecting MAC addresses with the physical ports on the switch. It works similarly to a layer 2 switch, in that it can work with MAC addresses in the same way, however, they can also work with Internet Protocol IP addresses too.

Change Language. Related Articles. Computer Network Fundamentals. Physical layer. Data Link layer. Network layer. Transport layer. Application layer. Make An Enquiry. Company Name. Job Title. Thank you for submission. We will get in touch with you shortly. Layer 2 versus Layer 3 services: A Dummies Guide. Back to Blog. Monday, June 15, You can know plenty of technical detail about something, and yet still have no idea what it means in practice.

We are all supposed to know that Layer 2 is the Data Link Layer, and Layer 3 is the Network layer - but when techies talk glibly about the choice between a Layer 2 or Layer 2 VPN, what does it actually mean? To do so we begin with a simple analogy… Layer 1 - the physical layer Imagine people migrating into a virgin landscape — settlements springing up here and there.

A client computer requires a default gateway for layer 3 connectivity to remote subnets. When the computer sends traffic to another subnet, the destination MAC address in the packet will be that of the default gateway, which will then accept the packet at layer 2, and proceed to route the traffic to the appropriate destination based on its routing table.

It then rewrites the appropriate destination MAC address and forwards the packet back out the layer 2 segment:. Layer 3 switch overview - An overview of how to configure layer 3 routing on Cisco Meraki switches. Layer 3 switch example - A configuration example using layer 3 routing on Cisco Meraki switches.

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