What is the difference between ebay.co.uk and ebay.com

I used to buy a lot of vinyl from the UK on ebay that i found with no fancy searching. Though this was years ago and I don't know if it works in reverse, from responses already given it looks like no. However, I will add that record collecting types tend to be much better searchers and will usually find something if they are interested in it and looking during the auction time, just make it really clear in your listing that you will gladly ship to europe.

Response by poster: Hmm. Thank you all for your answers. One of my records is up right now on ebay. However, since the UK and US ebay use different categories, it seems it might be hard to find for those casually browsing on the UK site. While I agree that record collectors are pretty savvy in their ebay searches, I'm thinking I might be better off listing some of these on the UK site, if I think it is more likely to sell overseas.

What gifts for German teens? Newer ». As a result, listings on that ID have a little yellow ribbon on eBay. Obviously the quality of the seller is not changing depending on which site the listing is viewed on, so the whole thing is just a farce. I'm guessing the global standing has really really low requirements on sales volume and absolutely 0 requirements for returns then?

Good question. So then how is it I've sold and shipped nearly a dozen packages to England since May and many of my other items are visible there, that also haven't had the additional fee paid for either!

Just sold a different record there this week, and had another buyer trying to bid on a different one that somehow switched to U. Made a post about that a few days ago. OK, thanks auntie and rev. I'm not too far off from TRS even here in the states, except for the sell-through rate and the tracking upload time being somewhat under par, but now it's starting to become clear why the sell-through rate is so low.

I sell to a very limited amount of countries, and the U. Especially for the specific records I'm selling. They're obviously not seeing them. Sell-through rate is not a TRS factor. By the way. I stopped paying the fee for visibility in the U. This is something that others have mentioned on this board. And what are the chances only 1 U. Any record dealer with experience knows the U. Then apparently sell-through rate effecting TRS was another bit of misinformation given to me by many who I thought were reputable users of this board.

That's too bad. I gave up with an As I'm not going to sell constantly and just have few things to sell I can't get 10 or 20 feedbacks and thats the problem, as we don't have ebay here in Lithuania, people uses other country ebay and I don't think it is co. How I could transfer my account from ebay. I ques I could close my co. It would probably be better for you to list on a website that is based in Europe, because there are rules and laws that apply to users in Europe.

You will be able to contact them by email or chat, if you don't want to phone them. Once you have used an email address on one eBay account, you can't use it on any other eBay account, ever. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.


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