What is the difference between desde and desde hace

For that reason, in this article, we discussed the differences between these words as well as the contexts where you can use them. Here are some key points that you want to keep in mind for using these two expressions, respectively:. Desde vs Desde Hace Quiz. Every language has its different ways of calling young people, so as you can imagine, there are numerous ways to say boy in Spanish. This also means that there are a variety of ways to refer to boys Skip to content.

According to this page, por is used more than para. Por is the 12th most used word in the Spanish language. This makes sense because por is only a preposition, while para serves many more purposes. What does passive voice mean? A verb is in the passive voice when the subject of the sentence is acted on by the verb.

What is the meaning of por favor? As an affirmative to an offer; please. As an expression of annoyance or impatience; please. As a request; please. How do you know when to use ser and estar? Ser vs. Answer: Desde Marzo Since March. How long have you been living in Spain?

Make sure you noted the difference between desde and desde hace as well as the difference between hace and hace … que. With hace the additional que is very important as it distinguishes whether something happened that long ago or if it has been continuing to go on. In general, desde hace and hace … que have very similar meanings, indicating how long something has been taking place:. We hope you found this article helpful.

But we can still keep the same structure using desde hace or hace que. Gracias Will! Please correct me if I'm wrong, but in simplest terms, is it like this?

I've known her since La conozco desde Hace: when you'd use the word 'ago'. I met her two years ago. Desde hace: a duration of time. I've known her for two years. La conozco desde hace dos a? There's a test here I found helpful. Welcome to SpanishDict. Please complete your profile as it relates to language. This is a fairly old thread so I don't think the OP is still around,. I am learning, so the above was intended to be a question, not an answer.

The above is how I understood it to be and I wanted clarification. Should I have used the comment box instead?


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