Manager can you hear me
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Frank Swiatek. The foundation of our managers' philosophy relies on one main, undeniable point: a manager's number-one priority is to deliver results. For managers, behavior is the real key to achievement. In order to stop struggling and start delivering, you need to close the gap between what you know and what you do. That's been Denny Strigl's method, and now it can be yours, too. Among The foundation of our managers' philosophy relies on one main, undeniable point: a manager's number-one priority is to deliver results.
Among the most prominent architects of the wireless communications industry, the former Verizon Wireless president and CEO has had one of the most remarkable careers in modern business. You'll learn how to: Create a corporate culture where trust, respect, and integrity flourish- and employees and customers alike are appropriately served "Eliminate the fluff," get focused, and stop wasting time on things that don't matter Address issues proactively before they become problems--even employee performance issues Get past your "blind spots," reinforce priorities consistently, and communicate with clarity Master the Four Fundamentals of Management: growing revenue, getting new customers, keeping the customers you already have, and eliminating costs Managers, Can You Hear Me Now?
Get A Copy. Hardcover , pages. More Details Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4.
Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Mar 31, Mary rated it it was amazing Shelves: first-reads. Thank you Good Reads First Reads for the opportunity to receive a free advance readers copy of this book. I don't often give business books five stars, but this was one I really enjoyed. It wasn't that there was anything in here that was necessarily unique, but it was a great approach to getting results. The books is based upon four basic fundamentals: 1. Grow Revenue 2.
Get new customers 3. Keep the customers you already have 4. Reduce costs Anything else just gets in the way of getting results and y Thank you Good Reads First Reads for the opportunity to receive a free advance readers copy of this book. Reduce costs Anything else just gets in the way of getting results and you should look at those items carefully.
A great approach to getting the most out of your staff through accountability. This book is an essential read for any manager. And finally, these active leaders brought discussions to a resolution even when conflict was involved, allowing the board to feel unthreatened by the prospect of conflict in future discussions.
You have 1 free article s left this month. You are reading your last free article for this month. Subscribe for unlimited access. Create an account to read 2 more. Business communication. Reprint: FF Because board meetings involve two groups—directors and managers—and because directors play a difficult dual role as both cops and advisers, boardroom communication can suffer.
Obstacles The board is not one group but two: directors and managers. Directors play a strained dual role: cops and advisers. Solutions Executive sessions enable directors to meet without managers. Active in-meeting leaders encourage frankness and resolve conflicts. Read more on Business communication or related topic Boards.