Knight rider why cancelled

T back as a Mustang and not a Camaro. Again I would have continued to watch it bc my son liked it and I enjoyed watching it with him. I liked the concept and the cast, like most things in television, they came up with a fantastic formula when they did the movie, if they just stuck to that, the series would have been a hit, and perhaps even would have ran as long as the original series if not longer. Where they went wrong was letting some TV executive get their damn grubby hands in the mix, and really screwed up what could have been a really great TV show.

NBC aside from a few shows your station needs someone in there working those TV shows that know something about entertainment. If you do bring back night rider get rid of the goofy looking new kit car, and go back to the original concept that you had in the movie.

Bottom line the Night rider show was all that bad, but if NBC stoke to the original movie concept for TV the show would have been fine, and still running. Because truth be told its better then watching chopping block. Another dead end series spin off of Hells kitchen.

Knight rider was a great show i watched every episode. It was the only show that was made for a real man hot cars and women and good fight scenes. I hope NBC will give it another chance!!

I liked knight rider alot me and my husband and it was a very interesting show it kept me watching… so you ever doesnt like it i guess they have no taste in good tv shows.. I guess everyone who is delighted to see this series finally end — still wish it were the Hoff at the wheel! Please, grow up! I loved this series! A new generation means changes were needed — actor and tech-wise changes.

And that meant that the viewers needed to accept change. For me, I liked the series for the technologies involved rather than if the Hoff was gonna catch the bad guy and get the girl. THey shouldnt of got rid of Torres he was the only reason I watch the dam stinking show.

THey killed him off mid season. I think they should keep it on the air. It is a fantastic show. I love it. Sure it may not have been like the orginal but who can say what is now a days. I feel that some of the other new shows will tank as well. Who came up with some of the names for them?

His character knew more about it than anyone. I think it would have been neat for father and son to work together after all they had a father and daughter working together. Thank the Lord they canceled that turd. Yeah it was bad youtube generation show for sure. I grew up in the 80s watching the original. The lesbian scene at the beginning marked its doom. I liked the show. I think they should keep Knight Rider on the air! The first site we know of to break the cancelation rumblings was TV Guide, but The Hollywood Reporter had announced in December that NBC had cut the number of episodes for the season from 22 down to Dukes of Hazzard?

The Fall Guy? Well I liked the show. It could have been a lot better dont get me wrong but just as everyone said its also the networks fault too. A show on ABC family fell into that crack too.

I think towards the end they were starting to try to bring it back to it orginal show back in 82 which would have made it great. I loved the old series. For one I cant see a car turn into a truck. That was a bad writin I think. The cars personality to also to bla too nothing like the real kitt. And they should never have made it a mustaine. I would have just stuck to the ponitac verison of a G8 or even better the new Trans Am they plan to come out with.

They should have brought the Hoff back for a couple of episode too not just a 2 mins tie in. But still sad to see the show go. Maybe in a few years someone else will make a better one.

More importantly, it was an amazing piece of advertising for Ford. I think if they could give KITT a generic American-car branding, the not-so-big-3 automakers would get together to get this infomercial back in the hearts and wallets of Americans. The show was just warming up. You put a scantally clothed hot chick on it and it would be a hit. I think it should have stayed on and maybe had some guest appearances. Just use your imagination and it could have been tweeked to be an awesome show.

This show killed the original show by far…. I think you people all suck!!!!!! Ratings are a crappy reason to cancel a show. I really enjoyed this series! I tried watching the original a couple weeks ago and was very disappointed in the show and myself for thinking it was once cool.

The old series pales in comparison. I loved the show. Please bring it back. I record it everytime it was on and watched it in a few day so i can skip over the commercials. This is an awesome show, yet again the execs are idiots to cancel another great show. It was a fun show, had some really hot chicks in it, and was much more imaginative and exciting than all the other crap on TV!

I am very upset with NBC. There just is no accounting for taste! My family and I will all miss Knight Rider. I think what did it in was the too unrealistic ideas, like KITT being able to morph into other style of cars, and even paint color. If they left that out, I think it would have been far more popular. Way too unrealistic. We loved being that it was a show that we could all watch as a family together.

I think the KR show was great. I grew up on the original series. NBC should allow it to continue. I think the Ratings thing is a big joke. I wish NBC would reconsider, and leave the program running.

If it truly is canceled, it is a shame. I, being the extreme die-hard fan of the original even have the original music as my ringtone and rangback tone , fought to like the new one. The show is so exciting and incredible I want to keep watching the episodes. I am always excited to see what comes next and I hope that there can be a season 2,3, and 4 if possible. Please take this into consideration.

If I could get any thing in the world it would be not money not a fantasy car but more seasons of this movie I loved it so much that I am telling a lot of people about it and they even say it sounds cool. I thought both was cool but the new one is better I thought thought the old kitt sounded girly and lame the new one I just want to see more please new kitt u rock. Home News Cancelled or Renewed? Should the new Knight Rider be cancelled?

It's terrible. It's okay. I love it! Next Post ». Inline Feedbacks. May 25, am. February 5, pm. He said:. He sent me a picture of him in the Knight Rider car. His name is T. They want to do a script that has my approval on it. As Hasselhoff has also confirmed in the interview, he had also attempted to get a Knight Rider movie greenlit. Hasselhoff did not want Knight Rider to get "spoofed" like Baywatch and 21 Jump Street , and therefore he made all possible attempts to get his show an adaptation that truly honors its legacy.

In December , Hasselhoff confirmed that while his efforts to revive Knight Rider did not work out, a new movie was still moving forward without him. All David Hasselhoff has ever wanted from a Knight Rider movie is that it remains true to the spirit of the original TV series. It doesn't matter to him if he is in the movie or not, he just wants the adaptation to retain the respect that fans have for the people associated with the project.

That's why this news elates me more than anyone else. Wan is known for his work in movies like Aquaman , Saw , Insidious , and Conjuring. He's no stranger to car movies, by the way, as he directed the seventh installment of the Fast and Furious franchise. There aren't details about the Knight Rider movie remake's casting yet.


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