How tall is neil cobie smulders

But I haven't seen anything from her Killam seems to be a lucky man BTW. He'd probably claim that. Click Here Is that a 2cm difference? Around 6'1? I would say that looks right so 5'6. You think she might be shorter than 5'7? She started out in modelling, and on the show Marshall once told her "No offense Robin, but you're freakishly tall.

How about this one? Smulders :5 ft 7. Like 5'8 or 5'9. I was surprised because he was always said to be this extremely tall guy. He must've lost some height but he was cm in , no question. He is also 2. If he is under six foot it's only by less than half an inch.

He is Was it maybe because you weren't taking this site as seriously then as you are now? Just look at him in with 6'1" Lawrence Pressman! It makes no sense, as it would mean that all of those guys are claiming about 2 inches below their "real height".

Seriously, you'll lose credibility with that kind of silliness. I have been in a room with him several times and he is over Almost two inches taller than me. He's lucky if he's a full 5'11". Both Radnor and Segel have bad postures, so they could look approx. I've done enough to prove he's cm range, so I'll stop trying for now. At least until I find that definitve proof, which I will continue to look for - the Neil in the coffin if you like.

Never the less it's good to see him getting that half inch taken off from the categorically undeserved 6ft listing he's held for so long. Still I really doubt he'd measure cm, but it's a start. This proves one more time that Jason Segel can't be 6'4". Radnor can look near an inch shorter than NPH but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt because is a sloucher and wears flat shoes constantly while NPH has greater posture and is always suited up.

NPH is 5'10 at most. Not sure what shoes he was wearing, and I was in flat flip flops. Click Here Click Here With 6'1. Click Here Editor Rob: You have got to admit he looks 5'11 range with these people. That his eyes are at the exact middle level of his whole head? I thought his eyes were lower set in his head, he has a big forehead too. Look at this pic: Click Here Conversely i think Cobie has a high eyelevel.

If you think his head is average, do you mean around 9,5 inch range? I would think around 9. Compare it to Josh Radnor or Jason Segel, his always looks so much tinier. How long is your guess? I think 5'11 range seems more reasonable, as he also looks it with Obama. Can't really see much of a difference between them to be honest. July, he's barely edging 5' I spotted him on cable rows is regular gym shoes he was close to 6'2".

Yes he has a rather skinny build and smaller head I'd call him about lbs. I'm 6'1" lbs and he was right on par with me slightly taller. He's just not a 6' flat guy.

He looks the same height as 5' I know John Cryer for sure is no taller than 5'8. Click Here He's nowhere near 6'. I have big body proportions, big head, nose everything. My friend, who himself claims to be 6'2.

I think he might be cm, maybe hitting 6' early morning. It's quite hard to tell though. Great actor and entertainer btw. I would go as low as 5'11 nph and 5' Most of the time you'd see NPH edging him out with anything between 1 and 3 inches.

Cause for a slight downgrade? Sure you're sticking with 6ft Rob? He doesn't really look it.. Unless Obama's 6'2 there is no chance NPH is 6'. He's at THE most 5'11", if not 5'10" as Obama doesn't seem to be standing fully straight! And his costar Josh Radnor is 5'11 flat. Neil isnt 6feet but he's still awesome. He's 5'11'' wears always dress shoes and has great posture so he looks taller than he really his.

It's normal. Never towers Colbie Smoulders and queen latifah was taller in heels. I don't buy 6'0 for him. I've read that he wears lifts, but that's hearsay. He's very slender small boned which can be misleading with his height. Since only roughly 20 percent of men are taller than 6 feet. Another interesting thing is that only 3. Truth is most people don't pay as much attention to height as someone who regularly visits this site, and if measured multiple times by a doctor or someone else, will likely just give the highest measurement when asked how tall.

It is not necessarily true people lie about their heights, just that sometimes they don't really care. About NPH, seems a good 5'11 to 6 foot. I'ld say cm. Looks like the kind of guy that would had an inch to his height. Has perfect posture and wears dress shoes most of the time, really hard to pin down.

I'm 6'0 too when I go to bed and I feel that I'm shorter than a lot of guys. Anyway, NPH really looks slighly shorter, i think he could be a bit over 6', maybe 6'0. Jake: 1. Not more though. This listing is accurate enough. NPH is probably only a half inch shorter. It's unlikely that only one of them would be wearing lifts during a random scene for a film. I'd say NPH is closer to 6'1 than 6'. For whatever reason, he downgraded himself, but I have met him and stood next to him on flat ground and he is Don't let the lifts fool you Mr.

R, sub barefoot. This guy could be 5'11 check out the video Rob what you think? Much shorter than 6 foot 4 jason segel. Some people say kal penn is cm. Even in the program have said that. I don't understand why is he listed 6', he's clearly 5' His huge forehead confuse people, makes him look taller. I would put him at cm tops, so 5 ft The world's not going to end if he's an inch taller than you. Lifts are uncomfortable as hell and after a while cause an actor to visibly limp.

John Wayne's swagger was caused by the lifts he wore. Neil looks shorter than he really is because of his forehead and upper head. If he had an average-sized forehead, he would be around 5' But his head gives him the extra height. So yes, Neil has the proportions of an above of average guy, but the noggin of a much larger man.

See for yourself at tedmosbyisajerk. Bays and Thomas reportedly spent a lot of time in the real-life establishment when they were both writing for "The Late Show With David Letterman" earlier in their careers. However, not every fan was able to watch the episode live, so they had the series-long plot point spoiled for them if they scrolled past the post. News , Bays told Reddit that a season-one cancellation would have resulted in them writing Victoria in as the mother.

According to CBS News , the final scene of Ted's kids learning that Ted still loved Robin was filmed in to ensure the actors playing the kids still looked the same. That was only a year after the show premiered and eight years before the finale aired, so several precautions were taken to keep the ending a secret. David Henrie and Lyndsy Fonseca, who played the kids, had to sign non-disclosure agreements, and only one camera operator was allowed in the room while they filmed the final scene.

But it took a few years to get it off the ground. According to Variety , the sequel series has finally begun production with Hilary Duff in the leading role. A release date hasn't been set yet, but the show will premiere on Hulu.

World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Get the Insider App. Click here to learn more. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation.

Martha Sorren. Britney Spears' guest role helped to save the show from low ratings and an early cancellation. Many of the leading cast members' significant others appeared in small roles on the show. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. The narrator, who was supposed to be an older Ted Mosby, was voiced by Bob Saget. The show wasn't actually filmed in New York City.

Jim Parsons was almost cast as Barney. Jennifer Love Hewitt almost played Robin. Britney Spears saved the show from low ratings.


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